August 26, 2009

Aristotle said it succinctly: "Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, lies your calling."

Alexander Fleming and I have something in common. We both encountered serendipity. Fleming's serendipity was probably a bit more obvious. He stumbled upon a petri dish infected with mold which lead to the discovery of a penicillum colony which sprouted the birth of modern chemothearphy and changed modern science as we knew it.

Today was my second time volunteering the emergency department except this time I didn't have anyone to "shadow." It was beyond cool, and never have I felt better about my decision to quit public tax accounting and go back to school for nursing. I've never felt more rewarded.

Today SO much happened. I watched a woman get intubated and a man have his toe cut open to relieve an infection/puss pocket (I'll spare you the details). The rest of the time, I made sure patients had warm blankets, helped the nurses with admitting patients, got the patients juice/water/crackers (if it's okay with their nurse) and a couple of times I even got a "God Bless you Sweetheart" in return (a tax return would never bless me). I couldn't help but think to myself that this is truly the best thing I could be doing with my time right now.

PS - I took the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) last Saturday and got a 86.5% Composite Score, the required score is 77.8%! This test is an entrance exam for the nursing program at Samuel Merritt, so I feel pretty satisfied with my performance! Life is GREAT!

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