May 27, 2010

Diamonds aren't perfect... and they're still amazing...

1 Down... 5 To Go...semesters that is.... It really doesn't even matter - I mean it does, but isn't this life... it always feels like a count down - one more year until X, 4 more months until Y, and I caught myself just today thinking, as I was talking to my Bestfriend about a trip coming up in three weeks... I was thinking about planning another one with her... WHY CAN'T WE JUST APPRECIATE THE MOMENT?!!!!

I mean, we'd like to think we do, we soak it all up and tuck it away in a safe place in our hearts and minds, but (and especially this day in age) we are just expecting the 'next best thing' to happen. Or maybe that's just me? :)

Answer you say? Well, I don't really have one, but I do know that graditude takes you far places and invites additional moments of sucess and happiness into our lives. Gratitude alsos keep you in the moment and unveils the reality of your life, good or bad.

I guess my point, if I do have one, is that the melody of our lives depends on our prespective of our lives. The key to having keen perspective is living in reality.If we are waiting for the next best thing, then were are not living in the present and therefore not living in reality. On the other hand, if our reality is reeling it's ugly head and we'd rather be elsewhere people always say, "put it in perspective." It comes full circle. We can be in the darkest place but with the correct tune we can realize that not only are we imperect but in that same light we are eloqently perfect. If you think about all of the things that are imperfect in nature and this lifetime just due to the simple fact that they made by nature (or man) and then you think about how intrinsicly perfect our bodies are to maintain homeostatis in the face of adversity you realize you can overcome anything that comes your way. You sorta start saying "Bring it on" (but not really... that was enough, I'd just like to relax right here right now). The melody or tune of your life is that much brighter because you've accepted yourself for who you are and what you've been through that brought you to this moment, right here right now, and that's how you realize you're ok, life is ok. We may not be perfect, but neither are diamonds. Diamonds aren't even pretty until they've been roughed up a bit on the outside to reveal the truth within. If you ask me, diamonds are pretty dang amazing, just like you.

May 11, 2010

Togo, Africa

Ok, so of all the things that I SHOULD be doing right now... I cannot wait to share this news with everyone! A HUGE DOT has just been placed on my map of life. It's truley amazing!

Without getting into TOO much detail... because there is a lot of detail... the night before my car accident I prayed that God would use me to help other people. It has truly manifested itself in a lot of things that I have done in my life and had happen to me post accident, but this is the true workings of the Lord... I know I sound like "Jesus Freak" right now, even using that word makes me sound like one, but really... there is NO DENYING what has just manifested in our life right now.

So on April 30th, I went and spoke as a guest speaker at my old High School for the program called "Every 15 Mintues" ( I spoke at the "night of the living dead" where students who were involved in the "Mock Crash" came and listened to 3 other guest speakers share their stories of how their lives had been changed by others while under the influence. Now, I have spoken at this a few times over the past 7 years, and 3 years ago I met a women who is a nurse at John Muir in Walnut Creek, before I had decided to go back to school for Nursing. Well, Sheri was there again, and she remembered that I was thinking of going back to school for Nursing three years ago and was so excited to hear that I had started at program at USF.

As we were talking about how wonderful Nurses are and all the options there are, she mentioned that she actually worked over in Africa with a friend that started clinic. This clinic is currently looking for MSN prepared students AND, get this... a Finance person... enter Brett! It's honestly too good to be true and pass up.

Brett and I have always wanted to be able to travel to a foreign country and visit and volunteer and make a difference in the World. This is truly God pushing us in the direction he has called upon us. It's truly a blessing!

If you are a nurse or physican or in finance/accounting, please let me know if you are interested, I can send you more information. Sharon, the women at the mission hospital in Togo said that the needs [here] on this side of the world are huge - and there sure are not many people available to help with those

Looking forward to Serving in Togo!