February 15, 2010

Honestly... I feel as though I am the most blessed girl in the all of the WORLD!

Married to the man of my dreams, persuing the career of my dreams... it honestly doesn't get better than this!

It was GORGEOUS yesterday and my Valentine and I rode 40+ miles on our Road Bikes together - we did the Paradise Valley loop.. my first Bike ride ever!! Honestly, the best day of my life... well Top 5. I told Brett that if I didn't count the day we got back together, or the day we got engaged/the day we got married, any days on our various tours of the world... this was honestly the best day of my life!

We had an amazing Valentine's Day. We woke up, had bagels and coffee on Polk street with Hurley. Then rode our bikes 40+ miles, over the Golden gate, through Marin, through Paradise Valley loop and then Tiberon, then back over the Golden Gate! Pure Bliss. And my airway - totally not an issue, through the hills and going down hills 25+miles per hour... it was AH-MAZ-ING! Then we went to dinner at our fav Indian food place then saw It's Complicated!

It's been an amazing journey! School's going great!! Lots of fun and meeting great friends!

Oh, and I've signed up for Two Triathlons! April 17th, which is a "sprint tri" in it's in Marin and July 10th on Treasure Island which is Olymipic distance! Cannot wait! Cannot believe I'm going to do this either.. Nursing School or Tri's! HAHAHAHAA HA HA!


  1. Go GINA!!! That is awesome congrats on everything. The only problem is Michelle's Bridal Shower is July 10th so you are going to miss it :(!

  2. My Tri is in the AM so I will move as fast as I can to get to your house by 1 (but I may be a little late xoxox)
