March 9, 2010

What your looking for ... you probably already have

Why do we keep "stuff" we don't need?

Brett and I moved a week ago to Pacific Heights from Russian Hill (in San Francisco) and I am finally getting the chance today to decorate... or make an attempt at decorating. One of my initial thoughts was "I need more "stuff" for our place... more furniture, more knick knacks... more stuuuuffff! We don't have enough.

So last night before I went to bed, I started searching the Pottery Barn website for "stuff." Actually to be honest, I've been doing this for about a month now in anticipation of moving, I've even gone as far as searching Craigslist for PB stuff to be more "practical." It's cheaper second hand right?

First off, we have enough stuff, and our apartment is not big enough for more "stuff." Well, it is, but we definatley don't neeeeed more "stuff."

So instead of buying more stuff, I have been searching the pottery barn website for ideas on how to decorate, and so far so good! I am loving our house right now, and it's all because of the ideas that I am getting out of decorating from the PB website. It's better to reorganize and redecorate than to buy new "stuff" right?

This blog came to me while I was in our storage closet from "h-e-double hockey sticks", which, dear God help us, is or was BUSTING at the seams until I reorganized it today. Anyway, as I was in there being suffocated by the things that we don't really need but have and are keeping for some reason, I thought of this blog. Actually, I thought of this blog right as something hit me in the head while I was in the storage closet and it suddenly dawned on me ... whyyyyyyyy do we have so much stuff, and what was I thinking going to PB website with the intention of buying more stuff!

To actually feel as if you don't need or want anymore than you already own, and appreciate what you do have instead of looking for what you don't is always easier said than done. Today, I learned a valuable lesson. If we look inside ourselves (or in this case, our homes) and search high and low, near and deep, we already have exactly what we need, and then some. Sometimes it hits us square on the head in a stoarage closet and other times it takes a bit more soul searching, but somehow we manage to be given what we need. Other times, it's just a matter of reorganizing our thoughts (or things) in order to repurify our well-being (or space). If we can keep a positive perspective, continue our appreciation and gratitude, all things good will keep coming our way.



PS I also owe you guys another blog ~ Brett and I went for another 45 mile bike ride on Saturday and it wasn't as glorious as the first... but hysterical nonetheless. I'll try and post that epidose of our life later today or tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking this the other day. I wanted more stuff and then it dawned on me...I have no where to put it in my tiny place.
