After three crazy days in Cairo, and by crazy we mean INSANE, we are happy to be off to Aswan.
Cairo is insanity on wheels. There are horns constantly honking - constant and pedestrians crossing the street like "Frogger." Brett and I have truely experienced our first culture shock. This city is in shambles! The buildings are built out of brick and clay and cement and many do not have roofs. Smog checks don't exist here - that is for sure. However, amist the insanity described above, between the hagglers and the donkey carts alongside the road, lies a genuine nature, once you get past the haggling ofcourse.
Aside from the people, the pyramids were amazing! Breath taking and a sight to be had. We enjoyed our 2 hour camel ride in Giza. It was an amazing experience. My camels name was Alibaba and Brett's camel's name was Mickey - like Mickey Mouse. My camel was sassy and hated laying down for me to get off and occassionally grunted and spit and snorted. We also visited Dashur and climbed down about 100 steps into the bottom of the pyramid - once in there, we could barley breath and the limestone reaked of ammonia, I had a mini panic attack as I felt as though I could not breathe.
Yesterday we travelled by bus 6 hours southwest into the black sand and white sand desert and slept under the stars. We hired a guide and drove us through the desert sand dunes and set up our camp and cooked us lunch, dinner and breakfast. We watched the sunset against a salvador dali backdrop and woke just before sunrise and also made a friends with a fox named Jose that looked just like HURLEY!
Now after three crazy days, we're on to Aswan. We're staying on the Nile and will visit more temples and tombs. After Aswan we are taking a bus to Luxor and then onto Dahab to spend Christmas on the Red Sea.
PS: People think we are brother and sister and are from Spain or Canada.
After a car accident that nearly took my life in May of 2003, I decided to to follow my life passion and become a Nurse. This blog has been created in order for me to document the transisition (the trials and tribulations, the excitement and glory) between a working class girl to a going back to school girl and all the adventures in between! May it be an inspiration to all to find and or continue to strive along your own serendipitious quest...
December 21, 2010
December 16, 2010
Off to AFRICA! We'll be blogging from afar!
Today is finally here!
The anticipation leading up to today has been culminating since June of 2010, when Brett and I booked our R/T airfare to Cairo, Egypt! In some sense, we convinced ourselves that this flight was the "right" flight because it has a 9 hour layover in London. We are going to do some quick sightseeing in London and visit our friends who moved to London in 2007 immediately after they were married, Andrew and Katie. Andrew is Brett's "Buddy" (I put "Buddy in quotation marks because when Brett transfered from the NYC PwC office, Andrew was assigned to be his "buddy" in San Francisco) Needless to say, Brett and Andrew became close friends, and this will be our second time seeing A & K in London.
After our quick layover in London - it's off to Cairo we go. We land in Cairo at 5:15am, two days (with the time change) from now! We will orient ourselves to the city day 1 and day 2 were off to see the Giza pyramids!
Day 3 were are safaring out to the Whitesand Desert to see the blacksand desert, crystal mountains and overnighting under the stars in the middle of the desert - alone! We'll have a guide, don't fear.
Day 4 & 5 include a flight down to Aswan to visit the temples and a bus ride up to Luxor the next day for more temple time. Then it's a flight to Sharm-el-sheik where we will take another bus to Dahab, where we will enjoy a vacation from our vacation on the shores of the Red Sea. Here we will spend the next 7 days, lounging on the beach, skiing sand dunes other possible adventures. We will spend Christmas on the Red Sea! Christmas Eve/Christmas Day we are hiking St.Catherines
We will be spending New Years Eve in South Africa. We're spending a week in SA and will travel the Western portion of the country by car and southern coast line (visiting the southern most point in SA) along with the Winelands, Table Mountain and Robben Island. We also plan on louging on the beach and swimming with the penguins! I can't wait for that experience! After SA were off to Tanzania.
Our game drive is for a week through the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. We'll have a private guide/tour and are staying in lodges scattered throughout the country and on the rim of the crater. We're also visiting a local tribe the Masia during our visit to Tanzania.
It's going to be a whirlwind of a trip. Brett and I will blog along the way, as many of our friends have asked :) Love you all!!!
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
The anticipation leading up to today has been culminating since June of 2010, when Brett and I booked our R/T airfare to Cairo, Egypt! In some sense, we convinced ourselves that this flight was the "right" flight because it has a 9 hour layover in London. We are going to do some quick sightseeing in London and visit our friends who moved to London in 2007 immediately after they were married, Andrew and Katie. Andrew is Brett's "Buddy" (I put "Buddy in quotation marks because when Brett transfered from the NYC PwC office, Andrew was assigned to be his "buddy" in San Francisco) Needless to say, Brett and Andrew became close friends, and this will be our second time seeing A & K in London.
After our quick layover in London - it's off to Cairo we go. We land in Cairo at 5:15am, two days (with the time change) from now! We will orient ourselves to the city day 1 and day 2 were off to see the Giza pyramids!
Day 3 were are safaring out to the Whitesand Desert to see the blacksand desert, crystal mountains and overnighting under the stars in the middle of the desert - alone! We'll have a guide, don't fear.
Day 4 & 5 include a flight down to Aswan to visit the temples and a bus ride up to Luxor the next day for more temple time. Then it's a flight to Sharm-el-sheik where we will take another bus to Dahab, where we will enjoy a vacation from our vacation on the shores of the Red Sea. Here we will spend the next 7 days, lounging on the beach, skiing sand dunes other possible adventures. We will spend Christmas on the Red Sea! Christmas Eve/Christmas Day we are hiking St.Catherines
We will be spending New Years Eve in South Africa. We're spending a week in SA and will travel the Western portion of the country by car and southern coast line (visiting the southern most point in SA) along with the Winelands, Table Mountain and Robben Island. We also plan on louging on the beach and swimming with the penguins! I can't wait for that experience! After SA were off to Tanzania.
Our game drive is for a week through the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. We'll have a private guide/tour and are staying in lodges scattered throughout the country and on the rim of the crater. We're also visiting a local tribe the Masia during our visit to Tanzania.
It's going to be a whirlwind of a trip. Brett and I will blog along the way, as many of our friends have asked :) Love you all!!!
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
November 25, 2010
Especially today, we all talk about the things that we are thankful for, we all stuff ourselves full of turkey and stuffing. One thing we should remember today is to be thankful for ourselves.
Life can be incredible sometimes, and it can be incredibly trying at sometimes. Remembering to be thankful during the difficult times is espeically difficult compared to feeling thankful during the wonderful times.
I LOVE the Katy Perry song "Firework." She sums up being thankful for ourselves in daily life in her lyrics. If we aren't thankful for ourselves, then we won't be able to light up the sky for other people. We can go through trying times, but if we hold on to our true self and allow our pain to be felt, we can "ignite the light and let it shine." We can take our pain and loss and turn it into something productive. Pain is a horrible thing to feel, emotional and physical - neither being easier than the other. Pain, loss, depression has a horrible stimga in our culture. If we show our sadness, greif or pain we are deemed weak. Even our insecurities are looked upon as weaknessess. I'm purposing that if we feel our greif, loss and pain - face our insecurities - it brings out the "fireworks" in us. The deeper we go within ourselves, the brigher we can become.
"If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road"
Today I am thankful for my car accident. I'm thankful that it brough out the depths of my emotions and insecurities and I am thankful that for the past 7 years I have had to live with the loss of my voice. I am thankful for the trache scar on my neck, for it saved my life that day, and I am thankful that my life was spared so I could feel the greif of recovery and all the joy life affords, through the good and the bad. I am thankful for all the ingredients of life, the sweet and the sour, the bitter, hot and cold. For we can't stuff oursleves silly and enjoy all that stuffing and turkey with only some of the ingredients... you need all of them to realize the perfect flavor - whatever that flavor may be.
Happy Thankfullingness!
Life can be incredible sometimes, and it can be incredibly trying at sometimes. Remembering to be thankful during the difficult times is espeically difficult compared to feeling thankful during the wonderful times.
I LOVE the Katy Perry song "Firework." She sums up being thankful for ourselves in daily life in her lyrics. If we aren't thankful for ourselves, then we won't be able to light up the sky for other people. We can go through trying times, but if we hold on to our true self and allow our pain to be felt, we can "ignite the light and let it shine." We can take our pain and loss and turn it into something productive. Pain is a horrible thing to feel, emotional and physical - neither being easier than the other. Pain, loss, depression has a horrible stimga in our culture. If we show our sadness, greif or pain we are deemed weak. Even our insecurities are looked upon as weaknessess. I'm purposing that if we feel our greif, loss and pain - face our insecurities - it brings out the "fireworks" in us. The deeper we go within ourselves, the brigher we can become.
"If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road"
Today I am thankful for my car accident. I'm thankful that it brough out the depths of my emotions and insecurities and I am thankful that for the past 7 years I have had to live with the loss of my voice. I am thankful for the trache scar on my neck, for it saved my life that day, and I am thankful that my life was spared so I could feel the greif of recovery and all the joy life affords, through the good and the bad. I am thankful for all the ingredients of life, the sweet and the sour, the bitter, hot and cold. For we can't stuff oursleves silly and enjoy all that stuffing and turkey with only some of the ingredients... you need all of them to realize the perfect flavor - whatever that flavor may be.
Happy Thankfullingness!
November 18, 2010
Did you lose your voice?
After being asked that question 10 Million times over the past 7 years, I've come to appreciate my circumstance in a different light with in the realms of my new career, Nursing. I've also come to see my situation as a gift...
Since day one of my accident, I've always been asking my surgeon, when will I get my voice back... when in reality, I should be appreciating that I am alive and thriving.
I am currently researching for one of my classes a topic of interest, which is "Increased airway patentcy with exercise in post-traumatic laryngeal seperation," and I came accross this article Essentially,after reading through this article, it made me realize how lucky I am to be alive from a medical standpoint and not a "this isn't fair that this happened to me" standpoint (not that I say that line very often).
I had a stage V (out of V, V being the worst possible injury) laryngeal seperation which usually, as this article states, results in immediate death. I shouldn't be here... is was I should be saying... and I should be happy to be alive - which I am. On top of not living, my quality of life should be poor. According to this article, I am Aphonic, without true vibration of the true vocal cords. This is the poorest outcome and is generally related to the stenting procedure I underwent immediatley after the trauma to save the diameter of my airway. The diameter of my airway was comprimised due to the blunt force trauma of the steering wheel/dashboard/or possible random curtain rod that was packed in my car.
It is true, it is amazing what the human body can endure. It is sad that I am aphonic. But I am alive, I can communicate and I can swim, bike and run! I'll be a Half Ironman come April 30th, and will be celebrating my Stage V repair mini-airway and aphonic "poor" quality voice with a smile on my heart. In losing my voice, I've gain the determination, insight and perspective on life that no surgery can interfere with.
We only LOSE things if we let people take them away from us. Everytime I run, I am choosing to celebrate my mini-airway and with determination I choose to see what I've gained through this process, not what I've lost. So to answere the question, "Did you lose your voice...?," ... you tell me, did you?
Since day one of my accident, I've always been asking my surgeon, when will I get my voice back... when in reality, I should be appreciating that I am alive and thriving.
I am currently researching for one of my classes a topic of interest, which is "Increased airway patentcy with exercise in post-traumatic laryngeal seperation," and I came accross this article Essentially,after reading through this article, it made me realize how lucky I am to be alive from a medical standpoint and not a "this isn't fair that this happened to me" standpoint (not that I say that line very often).
I had a stage V (out of V, V being the worst possible injury) laryngeal seperation which usually, as this article states, results in immediate death. I shouldn't be here... is was I should be saying... and I should be happy to be alive - which I am. On top of not living, my quality of life should be poor. According to this article, I am Aphonic, without true vibration of the true vocal cords. This is the poorest outcome and is generally related to the stenting procedure I underwent immediatley after the trauma to save the diameter of my airway. The diameter of my airway was comprimised due to the blunt force trauma of the steering wheel/dashboard/or possible random curtain rod that was packed in my car.
It is true, it is amazing what the human body can endure. It is sad that I am aphonic. But I am alive, I can communicate and I can swim, bike and run! I'll be a Half Ironman come April 30th, and will be celebrating my Stage V repair mini-airway and aphonic "poor" quality voice with a smile on my heart. In losing my voice, I've gain the determination, insight and perspective on life that no surgery can interfere with.
We only LOSE things if we let people take them away from us. Everytime I run, I am choosing to celebrate my mini-airway and with determination I choose to see what I've gained through this process, not what I've lost. So to answere the question, "Did you lose your voice...?," ... you tell me, did you?
November 12, 2010
An Update on Life... Career and Travel
I'm back.
Okay, sorry for the hiatus. I've been insanely busy with school, the move and in general.
I'm finishing up my third semester and working on finding a position as a RN when I graduatein December 2011. My throat surgeon at UC Davis has asked me to come work with his team upon graduation, and after long and hard consideration, I have decided that this is something I would be interested in. It will be amazing working along side him and his team. I would work in the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Clinic. It's amazing to think that this will make things come full circle. Life is so amazing in that way. He has even discussed the possibility UC Davis funding my DNP/PhD after I graduate from USF and research along side his team. It is especially difficult to find a position as a RN right now and I have a position available one year before graduation with the oppurtunity to continue my education. I would have never in a million years imagined this would be my life. It's especially heart warming that he would want me to be apart of his team, considing I am aphonic (without true vocal cord vibration). I had such a difficult time believing in my own worth because of my voice for such a longtime. Becoming a nurse has been so healing in this way. I am so grateful!
When I was working as a CPA at PricewaterhouseCoopers I would imagine doing my clinical rotation at Children's Hospital in Oakland (CHO). I just found out that next semester I will be doing my clinical rotation for Pediatrics at CHO! I am so excited for this rotation!
In other news, I am having surgery in Janurary to give me more airway and inject my vocal cords. I have a different feeling about this surgery! I think it will really give me a ton more airway and more of a voice. I have 40% diameter of my airway right now... hopefully this will give me 80-100% and more voice! I am hopeful, please pray for me.
I've signed up for a 1/2 Ironman. It's April 30, 2011. I will need to get training into FULL swing when Brett and I return from Africa... we leave in 34 days! Brett will be doing this distance as well!
With school as crazy as it is, I will welcome a 6 week break with open arms. Brett and I will be in Africa for one month. We are leaving and heading to London to visit some friends for a day on December 16th. Then we are heading down to Cairo and will land on the 18th - staying in Egypt for 10 days - we will visit the pyramids, tour the city itself, Coptic Cairo, Khan-al-kali and sleep one night in the WhiteSand Desert under the Stars. Next we are flying down to Aswan after three days in Cairo/Desert. We'll stay in Aswan for two nights (to see temples) then bus up to Luxor (stay in Luxor for the day to see more temples) and then fly to Sharm-el-sheikh and take a bus to Dahab. We will be on the beach on the Red Sea for X-Mas in Dahab. Dahab is suppose to be like Ko Samui, where we visited in Thailand. After 7 days in Dahab, we will catch our flight down to South Africa (8 hours) and stay for 7 days. There we will swim with the penguines on the beach (too cute!), visit Table Mountain and enjoy wine country. We will ring in the New Year in South Africa...Brett's most excited about South Africa, so as far as plans, that parts up to Brett. After our 7 days in South Africa we fly up to Tanzania for our game drive/safari for 8 days. We'll see the Serengeti, Mt. Kiliminjaro and Ngorongo Crater. We're staying in Lodges in the middle of the game drives. After our game drive/safari we fly back to Cairo for an evening and then have a 24 hour flight home! We won't think about that part yet... We'll be home January 16th, 2011 and sleep for two days straight from pure exhaustion!
I feel truely blessed to have be married to the love of my life, travel the world with him and persue a career that my heart desires. What more could a girl ask for? (Maybe her voice back....??)...oh and babies ;)
Okay, sorry for the hiatus. I've been insanely busy with school, the move and in general.
I'm finishing up my third semester and working on finding a position as a RN when I graduatein December 2011. My throat surgeon at UC Davis has asked me to come work with his team upon graduation, and after long and hard consideration, I have decided that this is something I would be interested in. It will be amazing working along side him and his team. I would work in the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Clinic. It's amazing to think that this will make things come full circle. Life is so amazing in that way. He has even discussed the possibility UC Davis funding my DNP/PhD after I graduate from USF and research along side his team. It is especially difficult to find a position as a RN right now and I have a position available one year before graduation with the oppurtunity to continue my education. I would have never in a million years imagined this would be my life. It's especially heart warming that he would want me to be apart of his team, considing I am aphonic (without true vocal cord vibration). I had such a difficult time believing in my own worth because of my voice for such a longtime. Becoming a nurse has been so healing in this way. I am so grateful!
When I was working as a CPA at PricewaterhouseCoopers I would imagine doing my clinical rotation at Children's Hospital in Oakland (CHO). I just found out that next semester I will be doing my clinical rotation for Pediatrics at CHO! I am so excited for this rotation!
In other news, I am having surgery in Janurary to give me more airway and inject my vocal cords. I have a different feeling about this surgery! I think it will really give me a ton more airway and more of a voice. I have 40% diameter of my airway right now... hopefully this will give me 80-100% and more voice! I am hopeful, please pray for me.
I've signed up for a 1/2 Ironman. It's April 30, 2011. I will need to get training into FULL swing when Brett and I return from Africa... we leave in 34 days! Brett will be doing this distance as well!
With school as crazy as it is, I will welcome a 6 week break with open arms. Brett and I will be in Africa for one month. We are leaving and heading to London to visit some friends for a day on December 16th. Then we are heading down to Cairo and will land on the 18th - staying in Egypt for 10 days - we will visit the pyramids, tour the city itself, Coptic Cairo, Khan-al-kali and sleep one night in the WhiteSand Desert under the Stars. Next we are flying down to Aswan after three days in Cairo/Desert. We'll stay in Aswan for two nights (to see temples) then bus up to Luxor (stay in Luxor for the day to see more temples) and then fly to Sharm-el-sheikh and take a bus to Dahab. We will be on the beach on the Red Sea for X-Mas in Dahab. Dahab is suppose to be like Ko Samui, where we visited in Thailand. After 7 days in Dahab, we will catch our flight down to South Africa (8 hours) and stay for 7 days. There we will swim with the penguines on the beach (too cute!), visit Table Mountain and enjoy wine country. We will ring in the New Year in South Africa...Brett's most excited about South Africa, so as far as plans, that parts up to Brett. After our 7 days in South Africa we fly up to Tanzania for our game drive/safari for 8 days. We'll see the Serengeti, Mt. Kiliminjaro and Ngorongo Crater. We're staying in Lodges in the middle of the game drives. After our game drive/safari we fly back to Cairo for an evening and then have a 24 hour flight home! We won't think about that part yet... We'll be home January 16th, 2011 and sleep for two days straight from pure exhaustion!
I feel truely blessed to have be married to the love of my life, travel the world with him and persue a career that my heart desires. What more could a girl ask for? (Maybe her voice back....??)...oh and babies ;)
October 12, 2010
The Book ... The Training... and the Move... oh my!
...Not in that order. Brett and I are back in Walnut Creek in our home and loving it. End of story. Well, not quite - the backyard has yet to be finished and we are still working on creating the perfect office... but with that said, we are grateful to be back without anyone pouncing above our head, girls partying above us or boyfriend/girlfriend arguments where the night ends with a phone call to the police ... you know how that goes. My brain still jumps at the echo or noise by the rule of Pavlov's dog/drooling/bell premise - but I'm adjusting. Oh yeah... and there are no plans to fill the third bedroom with a guest room...
Training. Today officially started my training for Vineman Ironman 70.3 in Sonoma on July 17, 2011. I printed out a 20 week training program and although I may lose some momentume due to our 4 week stint in Africa - this will be the first time I have printed out a training regime and vowed to stick it out. Usually, I only train, if at all for one event and ride on a wing and prayer that I will finish. Out of fear or laziness, maybe both - but now I am not afraid and sick of being lazy and I want to see what my airway and body can do. I head up to see my surgeon on October 28th and I am excited to see what kind of airway capacity I am working with - has it stayed the same and I have just gotten stronger (I recently shed 15 minutes 7 seconds off my half marathon time) or has my airway expanded due to the increased volume and workload...we shall see! Regardless, watching Brett train for his Ironman, I can't help but admire and LOVE the lifestyle training affords.
The book. I am working on Chapter two, but as I brainstorm where I want this book to go, I may decide on negating the chapter idea and sectioning it off into sections (do you like that?). Maybe childhood (yikes), high school/college - working in some of my motivational speaking components, my career(s) and my training. We'll see. Any ideas...
I'm again speaking as a Keynote speaker at Oakley High on October 26 and 27! I love giving back to our community in that way. If I can change one individuals life - it's all worth it in the end.
Training. Today officially started my training for Vineman Ironman 70.3 in Sonoma on July 17, 2011. I printed out a 20 week training program and although I may lose some momentume due to our 4 week stint in Africa - this will be the first time I have printed out a training regime and vowed to stick it out. Usually, I only train, if at all for one event and ride on a wing and prayer that I will finish. Out of fear or laziness, maybe both - but now I am not afraid and sick of being lazy and I want to see what my airway and body can do. I head up to see my surgeon on October 28th and I am excited to see what kind of airway capacity I am working with - has it stayed the same and I have just gotten stronger (I recently shed 15 minutes 7 seconds off my half marathon time) or has my airway expanded due to the increased volume and workload...we shall see! Regardless, watching Brett train for his Ironman, I can't help but admire and LOVE the lifestyle training affords.
The book. I am working on Chapter two, but as I brainstorm where I want this book to go, I may decide on negating the chapter idea and sectioning it off into sections (do you like that?). Maybe childhood (yikes), high school/college - working in some of my motivational speaking components, my career(s) and my training. We'll see. Any ideas...
I'm again speaking as a Keynote speaker at Oakley High on October 26 and 27! I love giving back to our community in that way. If I can change one individuals life - it's all worth it in the end.
August 26, 2010
An excerpt from chapter 1 of my book ... Enjoy!!!
As I parked my car, my eyes and heart scanned the dusty parking lot for his car, to no avail. I seized this opportunity and fed my vanity. With a quick peek into my rearview mirror, a pinch of the cheeks and a dab of lip gloss, I hopped eagerly out of the car a headed inside. As I made my way amongst the loud clatter of video game machines, 60’s B-Bop music and maze of people, I felt a sense of maturity. Within the deep sea of tracker trailers, truckers and vacationing families coming up for air along the onerous and dreary stretch of I-5, here we were. Spawned from our yesteryears into young adults we were able to premeditate and execute a causal yet random encounter, keeping true to our ritual of periodic visits, regardless of location. Making my way through the TA Visitor center, the crowds gently parted making enough room for the memories that came flooding through as I spotted him peacefully sitting at a nearby table.
The combination of my recent trip down memory lane in the realm of my own existence driving from West Covina to here, alongside the sight of an old flame and dear friend made my heart fluttered. I immediately hedged the antics of the typical ex-girlfriend, star-crossed lover type and put on my laid back, too cool for school cool ex-girlfriend hat on and gave Brett the one-two confident kiss on the check with a slight jump hug. After our respective hellos, we ordered our food. My order included three beef tacos and a coke, but more importantly, I finished them. I wanted to ensure and impress upon the fact that I wasn’t one of those fit and skinny girls who fussed and rearranged their food to make it look half eaten. I took those tacos down and over our meal, I confirmed my exuberant and vivacious zest for life by divulging the details of my upcoming excursion abroad, how I would be going to Spain for 6 weeks to take business classes where only Spanish was spoken to elicit credits for my double major in Broadcast Journalism and Business with minor in Spanish. Going down the mental checklist, I’d checked the three of the four cool ex-girlfriend boxes. I was fun, I had an appetite for life and smart but I’d save the best for last. Next I’d confer upon him the details of my most recent, quasi long-term, yet relaxed relationship with Nick. Not only was I fun, vivacious and smart, but I was wanted, and apart from the fact that Brett did not get a word in edge wise, at least he was up to speed with the facts.
In reality, I may have held, or had the potential to inhabit the four quintessential “cool ex-girlfriend boxes” or qualities but one thing was not true. When I left Nick in Arizona, we had left things between us “open” because that was the only thing Nick could give me. Sure our relationship was “relaxed,” but that was Nick’s nature, commitment phobic, lacking any true capacity to show love or commit. However, Nick’s ability to put just enough effort in to perpetuate a mirage of a “relationship” was an art form, and had me clinging to any affirmation of affiliation. The affiliation of Nick and I was the illumination and echo of my self-doubt, induced by my personal insecurities and foolishness.
The combination of my recent trip down memory lane in the realm of my own existence driving from West Covina to here, alongside the sight of an old flame and dear friend made my heart fluttered. I immediately hedged the antics of the typical ex-girlfriend, star-crossed lover type and put on my laid back, too cool for school cool ex-girlfriend hat on and gave Brett the one-two confident kiss on the check with a slight jump hug. After our respective hellos, we ordered our food. My order included three beef tacos and a coke, but more importantly, I finished them. I wanted to ensure and impress upon the fact that I wasn’t one of those fit and skinny girls who fussed and rearranged their food to make it look half eaten. I took those tacos down and over our meal, I confirmed my exuberant and vivacious zest for life by divulging the details of my upcoming excursion abroad, how I would be going to Spain for 6 weeks to take business classes where only Spanish was spoken to elicit credits for my double major in Broadcast Journalism and Business with minor in Spanish. Going down the mental checklist, I’d checked the three of the four cool ex-girlfriend boxes. I was fun, I had an appetite for life and smart but I’d save the best for last. Next I’d confer upon him the details of my most recent, quasi long-term, yet relaxed relationship with Nick. Not only was I fun, vivacious and smart, but I was wanted, and apart from the fact that Brett did not get a word in edge wise, at least he was up to speed with the facts.
In reality, I may have held, or had the potential to inhabit the four quintessential “cool ex-girlfriend boxes” or qualities but one thing was not true. When I left Nick in Arizona, we had left things between us “open” because that was the only thing Nick could give me. Sure our relationship was “relaxed,” but that was Nick’s nature, commitment phobic, lacking any true capacity to show love or commit. However, Nick’s ability to put just enough effort in to perpetuate a mirage of a “relationship” was an art form, and had me clinging to any affirmation of affiliation. The affiliation of Nick and I was the illumination and echo of my self-doubt, induced by my personal insecurities and foolishness.
August 20, 2010
Danielle Steel and My Book ... and Danielle Steel!!!
As many of you may or may not know, Brett and I live within the realms of Pacific Heights, and while I cherish the boastful scenery of Lafayette Park, since Brett and I have moved here, I have admired that lofty and beatiful home that is accross the park from us, the home of Danielle Steel.
August 13th, 2010 marked the beginning of my journey to write a memoir about my car accident that happened in May of 2003. While there were three things I knew that I wanted to do while lying in the hospital bed during my hospital stay after my car accident, I never knew that within me existed the capacity to follow through with my desires.
Those three desires, premonitions actually based on the happenings of my life pre-accident, were to become a nurse, write a book/memior regarding my accident and the third really coincides with the first two, and that is to help others. In essense, I was awaiting personal transformation. Now, I want to instill in others what I have learned, without others having to go through what I have endured. The hard part, really, will be figuring out HOW to do that, but I hope that through my daily actions, being a wife, a mother someday, a nurse, a friend and through my book that I will inspire individuals to live out their desires, because I know if I encompass the attributes of sucess, anyone can!
Support systems are essential and there have been important people along the way, especially recently that have really amplified the tiping point to this incredible journey. My Husband and best friend, my bestfriends from high school who have known me before and after this tragedy and supported through and through, my Mother-In-Law - really my Husbands entire family, Dorette Franks (who just completed the most extreme endurance event - an Ultraman) and most recently Danielle Steel.
Since the recent mind talk I have had with myself with respect to starting this journey, most serendipitiously have turned out to be the conversations and premonitions (I whole heartidly believe in the mantra of "The Secret")I have had about meeting and/or emailing (I know two completely different things) Danielle Steel. A few weeks back, before I had decided to take this plunge and commit to following through with the long journey of writing my story (especially during my Nursing Master's Program, which is time consuming in and of itself) I emailed Danielle Steel. I know crazy, right? But I thought to myself that I might as well take a chance and email her and see if I can ask for her advice with respect to writing a book. I was not expecting a response, nothing against Danielle Steel, but I assume she receives 1,000's of emails and letters from fans a day asking her questions just like mine. After all, it is Danielle Steel! And if you know me, it is not really like me to do something like this. But I had a gut feeling that I needed this more for myself, than for anything, so I did it. And guess what... she wrote me back!!!
As Brett and I are in beautiful Bend, Oregon on a mini vacation, we returned home from a beatiful day from Elk Lake. I quickly checked my email and found an email address that I did not recognize. I opened it up, and when I read the initial paragraph, I couldn't understand where this woman/ or person had received my email, and I had assumed that it was a reader of my blog, until I read the next paragraph!
It was Danielle Steel!!!!! Not only is her advice is incredible as she pointed to key aspects I never had thought about myself, such as character building down to when my manuscript is ready to send out what to do... to think... Gina is going to have a manuscript! My goal is to be a Julia Julia of sorts and have my story/memior/manuscript turned into a movie! Danielle Steel can be the Julia Child and I can be the ... the Gina Cummings! I know this is bigger than myself, it makes me feel like I am in the right place... and I like it!
Thank you Danielle!!!
August 13th, 2010 marked the beginning of my journey to write a memoir about my car accident that happened in May of 2003. While there were three things I knew that I wanted to do while lying in the hospital bed during my hospital stay after my car accident, I never knew that within me existed the capacity to follow through with my desires.
Those three desires, premonitions actually based on the happenings of my life pre-accident, were to become a nurse, write a book/memior regarding my accident and the third really coincides with the first two, and that is to help others. In essense, I was awaiting personal transformation. Now, I want to instill in others what I have learned, without others having to go through what I have endured. The hard part, really, will be figuring out HOW to do that, but I hope that through my daily actions, being a wife, a mother someday, a nurse, a friend and through my book that I will inspire individuals to live out their desires, because I know if I encompass the attributes of sucess, anyone can!
Support systems are essential and there have been important people along the way, especially recently that have really amplified the tiping point to this incredible journey. My Husband and best friend, my bestfriends from high school who have known me before and after this tragedy and supported through and through, my Mother-In-Law - really my Husbands entire family, Dorette Franks (who just completed the most extreme endurance event - an Ultraman) and most recently Danielle Steel.
Since the recent mind talk I have had with myself with respect to starting this journey, most serendipitiously have turned out to be the conversations and premonitions (I whole heartidly believe in the mantra of "The Secret")I have had about meeting and/or emailing (I know two completely different things) Danielle Steel. A few weeks back, before I had decided to take this plunge and commit to following through with the long journey of writing my story (especially during my Nursing Master's Program, which is time consuming in and of itself) I emailed Danielle Steel. I know crazy, right? But I thought to myself that I might as well take a chance and email her and see if I can ask for her advice with respect to writing a book. I was not expecting a response, nothing against Danielle Steel, but I assume she receives 1,000's of emails and letters from fans a day asking her questions just like mine. After all, it is Danielle Steel! And if you know me, it is not really like me to do something like this. But I had a gut feeling that I needed this more for myself, than for anything, so I did it. And guess what... she wrote me back!!!
As Brett and I are in beautiful Bend, Oregon on a mini vacation, we returned home from a beatiful day from Elk Lake. I quickly checked my email and found an email address that I did not recognize. I opened it up, and when I read the initial paragraph, I couldn't understand where this woman/ or person had received my email, and I had assumed that it was a reader of my blog, until I read the next paragraph!
It was Danielle Steel!!!!! Not only is her advice is incredible as she pointed to key aspects I never had thought about myself, such as character building down to when my manuscript is ready to send out what to do... to think... Gina is going to have a manuscript! My goal is to be a Julia Julia of sorts and have my story/memior/manuscript turned into a movie! Danielle Steel can be the Julia Child and I can be the ... the Gina Cummings! I know this is bigger than myself, it makes me feel like I am in the right place... and I like it!
Thank you Danielle!!!
August 13, 2010
Contradictory or complimentary
August marks a year for the blog: The Serendipitious Quest. In pondering my own existence and the relatively new existence of the Facebook's, myspace and blogs, I begun to question not only the purpose/reason for this blog but also the meaning and need for The Serendipitious Quest. What does The Serendipitous Quest stand for...who does it reach?
When you break down The Serendipitous Quest it's actually an oxymoron. Go figure - sums up my life. Back on point... when breaking it down, the definition of Serendipity is "to come across unexpectedly based upon wisdom or sanity" and Quest means "to seek out and discover." How then could these two words manifest themselves within the same sentence and be logical? For what basis does this blog exist?
Many others have pondered the meaning and use of the word Serendipity. In the confines of my own existence, and I am sure others will agree, a quest so to speak is self-explanatory, but serendipity - serendipitiy's use in the english dictionary according to Oxford has only recently exploded, much thanks to the internet.
So what does serendipity really mean and what makes my blog - or ME for that matter different? What makes my story and my perceptions a platform worth exploring? And by asking this question - does it kill the essense of this blogs existence?
For now, I will leave the calling into question the use for and of the word serendipity for therorists and philosophers to chase their tails and muddle around with other fancy words that they use to define their knowledge/existence. Yes, to be in quest of something that you are suppose to accidently run into is an oxymoron. But what happens when something or someone accidently RUNS INTO YOU!? What happens if you are fired from your job or someone elses action(s) changes the course of your life. Or what happens if you are born with a disability?
The Serendipitious Quest ceases to be in oxymoron when your disability is used to make you 'able. That is, the serendiptious nature of your "disability" ignites a fire within you that sparks a quest to get you from "point A" to "point B." We all encompass a serendipitous nature by default of being human. It is the way in which we choose to see ourselves in light of a situation, to realize that one path no longer exists but upon our proper scrutiny, or quest, the full potential, realization and actualization of other paths and our existence can refine our overall well-being. It's the "Silver Lining" of a situation that takes us to grace and opens our hearts and minds to the exploration of our self and it's there that we discover our Serendipity and Quest.
When you break down The Serendipitous Quest it's actually an oxymoron. Go figure - sums up my life. Back on point... when breaking it down, the definition of Serendipity is "to come across unexpectedly based upon wisdom or sanity" and Quest means "to seek out and discover." How then could these two words manifest themselves within the same sentence and be logical? For what basis does this blog exist?
Many others have pondered the meaning and use of the word Serendipity. In the confines of my own existence, and I am sure others will agree, a quest so to speak is self-explanatory, but serendipity - serendipitiy's use in the english dictionary according to Oxford has only recently exploded, much thanks to the internet.
So what does serendipity really mean and what makes my blog - or ME for that matter different? What makes my story and my perceptions a platform worth exploring? And by asking this question - does it kill the essense of this blogs existence?
For now, I will leave the calling into question the use for and of the word serendipity for therorists and philosophers to chase their tails and muddle around with other fancy words that they use to define their knowledge/existence. Yes, to be in quest of something that you are suppose to accidently run into is an oxymoron. But what happens when something or someone accidently RUNS INTO YOU!? What happens if you are fired from your job or someone elses action(s) changes the course of your life. Or what happens if you are born with a disability?
The Serendipitious Quest ceases to be in oxymoron when your disability is used to make you 'able. That is, the serendiptious nature of your "disability" ignites a fire within you that sparks a quest to get you from "point A" to "point B." We all encompass a serendipitous nature by default of being human. It is the way in which we choose to see ourselves in light of a situation, to realize that one path no longer exists but upon our proper scrutiny, or quest, the full potential, realization and actualization of other paths and our existence can refine our overall well-being. It's the "Silver Lining" of a situation that takes us to grace and opens our hearts and minds to the exploration of our self and it's there that we discover our Serendipity and Quest.
August 5, 2010
The Miracle of Mindfulness
I just got back from a run. 7.5 miles, my first run since the olympic distance triatholon at Treasure Island (1.5 km swim, 40km mile bike, 10 km run. I can see the T-Shirt I'm wearing in the reflection of the computer screen, it's the one I got for finishing the treasure island tri.
Today I feel good. I feel empowered, love and hope. I feel like anything is possible. I feel like my dreams keep coming true.
I've been told that there is a chance that the magazine "Runners World" wants to interview me. I feel excited. I feel like I should be studying. I feel lucky, blessed and priveledged to be able to do what I love - Nursing. My life is exactly how I imagined it to be given my circumstances. I've added the story of my car accident and some photos to my blog per a recommendation from a friend. Crazy to think that was me. I feel healed.
Today was the first time since my accident that I felt strong running. That's 7 years and 3 months of feeling suffocated when I work out. Like the amount of air I get in, I can't get out. I felt free, and for the first time, I got tired before I got out of breath. It must be all the training. Training may be the answers to my all my prayers. I feel liberated from the suffering I've endured. I feel new. I feel like me again. I feel mindful.
There are two ways to run... the first is in order to finish the run. The second is to run the distance in order to run the distance. If while running the distance we think only of getting the run finished, thus hurrying to get the run out of the way as if it was a nuisance, then we are not alive at the time of the run. In fact, we are completely incapable of realizing the miracle of life within ourselves while running. If we run and focus on our breath, our legs and the components of our body while we run, emmersed in the present moment, it is here that we realize the miracle of life and the miracle of mindfulness. It is through the miracle of mindfulness that we have access to the present moment, where we can be free from the pain of the past (physical and mental) and focus on the joy the present moment offers.
Today I feel good. I feel empowered, love and hope. I feel like anything is possible. I feel like my dreams keep coming true.
I've been told that there is a chance that the magazine "Runners World" wants to interview me. I feel excited. I feel like I should be studying. I feel lucky, blessed and priveledged to be able to do what I love - Nursing. My life is exactly how I imagined it to be given my circumstances. I've added the story of my car accident and some photos to my blog per a recommendation from a friend. Crazy to think that was me. I feel healed.
Today was the first time since my accident that I felt strong running. That's 7 years and 3 months of feeling suffocated when I work out. Like the amount of air I get in, I can't get out. I felt free, and for the first time, I got tired before I got out of breath. It must be all the training. Training may be the answers to my all my prayers. I feel liberated from the suffering I've endured. I feel new. I feel like me again. I feel mindful.
There are two ways to run... the first is in order to finish the run. The second is to run the distance in order to run the distance. If while running the distance we think only of getting the run finished, thus hurrying to get the run out of the way as if it was a nuisance, then we are not alive at the time of the run. In fact, we are completely incapable of realizing the miracle of life within ourselves while running. If we run and focus on our breath, our legs and the components of our body while we run, emmersed in the present moment, it is here that we realize the miracle of life and the miracle of mindfulness. It is through the miracle of mindfulness that we have access to the present moment, where we can be free from the pain of the past (physical and mental) and focus on the joy the present moment offers.
July 15, 2010
Life Is Not Always What It Seems... and It's Not Because You're Blind - It's Your Mind!
You see that hat...? That was the hat my parents bought me to wear the day I was discharged from the Hospital in June of 2003, three weeks after my airway was crushed in a traumatic car accident... never did I imagine that I'd be wearing it, smiling in a picture just taken after crossing the finish line of an Olympic Distance Triathlon...
In completing my second Triathlon, first Olympic Distance Triathlon, my perspective on life has completely changed. Usually, due to my life circumstance, I would say that it takes something traumatic to change your perspective on life, but participating in The Triathlon at Treasure Island has shown me that something doesn't need to be traumatic to change you - you change you through your thoughts and actions, that it's not what happens to you, but how you REACT to what happens to you.
Two years ago as I watched my Husband Brett train and participate in his Triathlons, I always thought to myself that I could NEVER do a Triathlon because I could never manage to breath during the swim or bike, that I could only breath while I run, as that was hard enough with given the capacity of my airway(35% of normal). I told myself a million and one excuses not only as to why I couldn't participate in a Triathlon but also as to why I can't run. Besides my excuses, I was just deathly afraid, literally DEATHLY, of pushing my body that hard... maybe my airway would collapse, or I would just get too tired... the excuses my little brain made were endless. I was reacting to my fears and letting them drive the decisions I was making.
Come to find out that through my experiences that it's not the swimming and biking that makes my breathing difficult, it's just running!!! Ironically enough, the one sport I thought I could manage (running) caused me the most difficulty!
Participating in an Olympic Distance Triathlon is undeniably liberating and I am now challenging myself not to hold back and to not be afraid of running out of energy or getting too tired, or not being able to breathe. I am going to take my training to the next level - and I'm excited! I am going to make training a priority(not just a workout, I am actually going to put myself on a training schedule, possibly get a coach) and see how far I can push myself. I finished the .93 Mile Swim, 24.8 Mile Bike and 6.2 mile run in 3:27:18. I came in 17th in my age group (out of 26). I'd like to challenge myself to come in around 2:45:00 in my next Triathlon (Pacific Grove, September 11) and come in in the top 35%, 1% for each amoung of airway I have.
I challenge you to get outside of your mind (and outside your comfort zone)... to challenge yourself in something you thought was physically impossible, something you told yourself you couldn't achieve... because if I can do it with 35% of my airway, you can do it with 100% of yours!
July 8, 2010
I would like to thank Kate Garsson from TriCal in taking interest in my story of why I am doing the Treasure Island Triathlon and for graciously providing me with a Polor Womens Fitness watch (my first "sponsorship"). Kate has also informed me that my story is going to be told at SFGATE.COM and on their website I would also like to thank Dorette Franks for also taking interest in my story and telling it so graciously. Dorette is a 4 time Ironman (Ironwoman) and is training for an Ultraman coming up in the next 4 weeks, she is an inspiration as well. If you don't know what an Ultraman is, it's worth googling... You can read her article regarding my car accident/training at
My story being told at the public level is very exciting to me! Essentially, once my accident happened, I had to make two choices, to either sulk in my self pity and self-doubt or to turn my life around and maximize my full potential along this new path. Life is FULL of decisions, and this was just one of them, regardless of how tragic or traumatic my accident may have been. The journey has been long, and still continues, but each day gets better and challenging myself through Triathlons has helped maximize the capacity of my "comprimized" airway.
This Saturday I will be celebrating life at the Treasure Island Triathlon. The thought of the swim alone causes me enough anxiety but so did facing the adversity of my car accident, and if I can over come that, I can swim .9 miles in the freezing cold bay. Sometimes I get sad knowing that I could be faster, but my goal is to focus on the present (no "what if's"), realize I might not be doing Tri's if it weren't for my accident and just to have fun and concentrate on my breathing. I am going to be the best I can be, not the BEST triathlete out there (because we all know I am a far cry from that ;) )
I think when we focus on being THE BEST indstead of focusing on being OUR BEST we lose sight of the purpose of being. The purpose of being is not to out swim the swimmer next to you or out run or bike someone else and it's certainly not to out perform you classmate on the most recent exam. The purpose of life is to be your very best and try your best at whatever the task at hand may be. When we focus on being our personal best, we are putting our energy in the right place and the rest graciously works itself out. Who cares about how fast someone else swims, bikes or runs... there will always be someone who is faster, smarter and wiser, no matter how hard your train or study. We are taught all of our lives to outperform our peers, co-workers and sometimes even friends or family. Instead of focusing on outperformance, I would be willing to wager if we focus on our own performance and our own personal best, we'd find a lot more peace and happiness within ourselves, which can only lead to better performance and life satisfaction. If you focus on being your best and capitalize on your strengths, you'll come to find there was a little more inside of you than you previously knew exsisted, and then some.
My story being told at the public level is very exciting to me! Essentially, once my accident happened, I had to make two choices, to either sulk in my self pity and self-doubt or to turn my life around and maximize my full potential along this new path. Life is FULL of decisions, and this was just one of them, regardless of how tragic or traumatic my accident may have been. The journey has been long, and still continues, but each day gets better and challenging myself through Triathlons has helped maximize the capacity of my "comprimized" airway.
This Saturday I will be celebrating life at the Treasure Island Triathlon. The thought of the swim alone causes me enough anxiety but so did facing the adversity of my car accident, and if I can over come that, I can swim .9 miles in the freezing cold bay. Sometimes I get sad knowing that I could be faster, but my goal is to focus on the present (no "what if's"), realize I might not be doing Tri's if it weren't for my accident and just to have fun and concentrate on my breathing. I am going to be the best I can be, not the BEST triathlete out there (because we all know I am a far cry from that ;) )
I think when we focus on being THE BEST indstead of focusing on being OUR BEST we lose sight of the purpose of being. The purpose of being is not to out swim the swimmer next to you or out run or bike someone else and it's certainly not to out perform you classmate on the most recent exam. The purpose of life is to be your very best and try your best at whatever the task at hand may be. When we focus on being our personal best, we are putting our energy in the right place and the rest graciously works itself out. Who cares about how fast someone else swims, bikes or runs... there will always be someone who is faster, smarter and wiser, no matter how hard your train or study. We are taught all of our lives to outperform our peers, co-workers and sometimes even friends or family. Instead of focusing on outperformance, I would be willing to wager if we focus on our own performance and our own personal best, we'd find a lot more peace and happiness within ourselves, which can only lead to better performance and life satisfaction. If you focus on being your best and capitalize on your strengths, you'll come to find there was a little more inside of you than you previously knew exsisted, and then some.
July 3, 2010
It's happening...
So silly as it may seem, I've sorta always envisioned being able to tell my story at the public forum level and yesterday was the first day it has happened, and I am so excited. TriCal was interested in my car accident story and airways issues and all that I have overcome to get to where I am today and to be able to do a triathlon.
I was interviewed by Dorette Franks of Trifiniti and my story will be in Here is her comment of facebook:
Dorette Franks: "Way cool, interviewed Biggest Loser contestant, O'Neal Hampton and a come-back gal, Gina Cummings of San Francisco. Stay tuned to on their break through participation at Tri Cal's San Francisco Triathlon at Treasure Island. Truely compelling."
I was interviewed by Dorette Franks of Trifiniti and my story will be in Here is her comment of facebook:
Dorette Franks: "Way cool, interviewed Biggest Loser contestant, O'Neal Hampton and a come-back gal, Gina Cummings of San Francisco. Stay tuned to on their break through participation at Tri Cal's San Francisco Triathlon at Treasure Island. Truely compelling."
June 26, 2010
If you had known the symptoms of my first patient this day, swollen huevos (The English translation for huevos is eggs. However, the Spanish word is also used in slang for courage, and vulgar for testicles) and the events that would unfold in hours to come, together we would have seen the foreshadowing that is my life.
Ahhhhh (deep breath in)... the many things I could call this post. But what will I call it...
"It's not a disability, it's my life?" - Too cynical.
"It's not personal, it's who I am." - Maybe
"Doctor knows best." - False
"I'm sorry you're an insensitive a*hole with no heart and a questionable soul who needs a dictionary to look up the word 'personal.'" - Too long, but getting there.
On my 4th day of clinicals at my community health rotation (second time in this part of the clinic) I come into contact with my first egotistical (there are many other words to describe this man, this was the nicest one I could find) Doctor.
As I was walking by a patients room, a patient with vocal cord issues, the patient stopped me. He must have heard me talking in the hall (oh the irony) as he was being vitalized (a term many MA's use to say a patients vitals are being taken). When I walked past this patients room, he called out to me and asked me if I had laryngitis. I briefly explained in my nicest tone that no, I in fact do not have laryngitis, but a paralyzed vocal cord from an accident years ago. This is the STANDARD response I give to the 10 strangers a day who ask me if I am sick, have laryngitis or lost my voice etc. The patient went on to tell me how he lost his voice... this was a two second conversation and as I was about to leave one of the MA's walked by me and said "Dr. So and So is coming....." as to tell me to leave because this Doctor is a jerk and doesn't like it when people talk with his patients. So I left.
Call it 15 minutes later, standing in the nursing station with 3 other MA's the Doctor approaches me and begins to yell at me for talking to his patient about my "personal information." Truth be told, I was so totally confused about this "personal information" I had divulged about myself, that I had no clue what he was talking about. I asked him to clarify what "personal information" I had shared and to whom. He began to explain that his patient (with no voice) had been upset by what I told him, and that I should not be telling patients my "personal information."
Alright, alright. I could seriously overreact here, so I am not going to. What did I do next, in real life... or in my head? In real life, after I heard the word "personal information" spit in my face for the umteenth time, now I was upset. I told the kind Doctor that I didn't share personal information, explained after the patient engaged me and asked me a perfectly legitimate question "Do you have laryngitis?" I replied, no (as to inform that patient I wasn't contagious) I have a paralyzed vocal cord (see not contagious) I was in a accident (how) a long time ago(when, as to help solidify that it's just how I talk). Is this personal?
After I explained this to the kind Doctor, he proceeded to yell at me. I didn't take it. I explained to him, I am sorry your patient became upset, but now you are upsetting me and you are offending me. This isn't personal, this is who I am. It's a well known fact that my voice is soft, not some intimate detail of the coming of my life. Shortly, he walked away, but not before saying "We'll discuss this later."
The support I received from the staff and my preceptor was amazing. I was so confused... did I do something wrong? Consensus was no. This Doctor is just known for being a jerk (wonderful) and the lesson learned is this won't be the last time I come across a rude doctor (oh goody) and have to stand up for myself (bring it on).
Honestly, that day left me drained, and questioning why I left what now seems like the saint's of PwC. A lot of my friends at school were fearing run in's like this, but not me. I guess the reason I wasn't fearing them, was because I knew that I would have the courage to stand up to a Doctor who would try to tell me what to say to a patient regarding my soft voice, or anything else for that matter. I've been through too much to come this far to have someone I don't even know, Doctor, Partner, Tax Manager tell me how to be me.
After the Doctor left the nursing station I turned around and all the MA's were looking at me and one turned to me and said, "You've got balls." It's not balls, it's self respect. I've been through too much too come this far and have someone yell at me in front of others for something so petty and nonfactual. I feel sorry for this Doctor, that somewhere along the line, his ego is so bruised that he had to target an insignificant nursing student. Really, who does that? Apparently, lots of Doctors. But it's not about having balls, because those, I don't have, I am a proud owner of a pair of ovaries but I guess they are in a round shape? To be honest, I was afraid, but the fear inside me wasn't enough not to stand up for myself. Because of my actions, it was in this moment, I had a voice ... a really loud one.
Ahhhhh (deep breath in)... the many things I could call this post. But what will I call it...
"It's not a disability, it's my life?" - Too cynical.
"It's not personal, it's who I am." - Maybe
"Doctor knows best." - False
"I'm sorry you're an insensitive a*hole with no heart and a questionable soul who needs a dictionary to look up the word 'personal.'" - Too long, but getting there.
On my 4th day of clinicals at my community health rotation (second time in this part of the clinic) I come into contact with my first egotistical (there are many other words to describe this man, this was the nicest one I could find) Doctor.
As I was walking by a patients room, a patient with vocal cord issues, the patient stopped me. He must have heard me talking in the hall (oh the irony) as he was being vitalized (a term many MA's use to say a patients vitals are being taken). When I walked past this patients room, he called out to me and asked me if I had laryngitis. I briefly explained in my nicest tone that no, I in fact do not have laryngitis, but a paralyzed vocal cord from an accident years ago. This is the STANDARD response I give to the 10 strangers a day who ask me if I am sick, have laryngitis or lost my voice etc. The patient went on to tell me how he lost his voice... this was a two second conversation and as I was about to leave one of the MA's walked by me and said "Dr. So and So is coming....." as to tell me to leave because this Doctor is a jerk and doesn't like it when people talk with his patients. So I left.
Call it 15 minutes later, standing in the nursing station with 3 other MA's the Doctor approaches me and begins to yell at me for talking to his patient about my "personal information." Truth be told, I was so totally confused about this "personal information" I had divulged about myself, that I had no clue what he was talking about. I asked him to clarify what "personal information" I had shared and to whom. He began to explain that his patient (with no voice) had been upset by what I told him, and that I should not be telling patients my "personal information."
Alright, alright. I could seriously overreact here, so I am not going to. What did I do next, in real life... or in my head? In real life, after I heard the word "personal information" spit in my face for the umteenth time, now I was upset. I told the kind Doctor that I didn't share personal information, explained after the patient engaged me and asked me a perfectly legitimate question "Do you have laryngitis?" I replied, no (as to inform that patient I wasn't contagious) I have a paralyzed vocal cord (see not contagious) I was in a accident (how) a long time ago(when, as to help solidify that it's just how I talk). Is this personal?
After I explained this to the kind Doctor, he proceeded to yell at me. I didn't take it. I explained to him, I am sorry your patient became upset, but now you are upsetting me and you are offending me. This isn't personal, this is who I am. It's a well known fact that my voice is soft, not some intimate detail of the coming of my life. Shortly, he walked away, but not before saying "We'll discuss this later."
The support I received from the staff and my preceptor was amazing. I was so confused... did I do something wrong? Consensus was no. This Doctor is just known for being a jerk (wonderful) and the lesson learned is this won't be the last time I come across a rude doctor (oh goody) and have to stand up for myself (bring it on).
Honestly, that day left me drained, and questioning why I left what now seems like the saint's of PwC. A lot of my friends at school were fearing run in's like this, but not me. I guess the reason I wasn't fearing them, was because I knew that I would have the courage to stand up to a Doctor who would try to tell me what to say to a patient regarding my soft voice, or anything else for that matter. I've been through too much to come this far to have someone I don't even know, Doctor, Partner, Tax Manager tell me how to be me.
After the Doctor left the nursing station I turned around and all the MA's were looking at me and one turned to me and said, "You've got balls." It's not balls, it's self respect. I've been through too much too come this far and have someone yell at me in front of others for something so petty and nonfactual. I feel sorry for this Doctor, that somewhere along the line, his ego is so bruised that he had to target an insignificant nursing student. Really, who does that? Apparently, lots of Doctors. But it's not about having balls, because those, I don't have, I am a proud owner of a pair of ovaries but I guess they are in a round shape? To be honest, I was afraid, but the fear inside me wasn't enough not to stand up for myself. Because of my actions, it was in this moment, I had a voice ... a really loud one.
June 21, 2010
Every Day is a Miracle
Remember that giant hill I was talking about a few blogs ago... the one Brett and I were moving to the top of? Well, today after a tiring day at the hospital/clinical rotation, I decided the best thing I could do to decompress was a run/swim. So I slapped on the headphones and ipod and ran to the YMCA Presido and swam for 30 minutes and then ran home. They weren't kidding when they said San Francisco is the hilliest of cities. These hills are a symbols of the many emotions I have during one day at the hospital. Some patients are a jog downhill, and other patients really make you question and climb uphill, questioning your my own values, beliefs and insecurities.
I had an uneventful day in my Maternity rotation today (wasn't able to be apart of labor or be assigned to a patient) which is never what one wants, but being in this environment makes you think. It makes you think about why you are who you are, how you got here, where you've been and where you'd like to go, or where you are going. It also makes you realized aside from tangent thoughts one thing is a fact. Birth is a true miracle! When you start with a miracle, every single day after that miracle is a miracle just by default.
We're here because of the miracle of life. The miracle is that two people made love and YOU now exist because of that. I have the privilege of witnessing this every Monday at clinicals, and whether or not I actually get to be apart of the birthing and labor process, tears still well up in my eyes every time I see a Mom hold her baby for the first time, or see the excitement of a new grandparent or the love of a new Dad. It makes me realize how special I am and how loved I am, and how much love my parents have for each other, and how much love I have for my Husband and for our future children. Life is such a miracle, it's incomprehensible. Whether you are Jewish, Christian or Muslim, we all got here the EXACT same way, we are all love.
Today was overwhelming, even though it was uneventful. Aside for the newborn assessment and bath that I was able to actually provide for the newborn, nothing other than the pure fact of life/birth had me in awe. Going for a run and swim my a necessary decompression and helps me to figure out where my place is in this crazy world. it helps me sort through the million and one feelings I had today. It helps me realize how my daily experiences help challenge me and transform me into a better person, and the running and swimming ain't to bad for the bod either ;)
I had an uneventful day in my Maternity rotation today (wasn't able to be apart of labor or be assigned to a patient) which is never what one wants, but being in this environment makes you think. It makes you think about why you are who you are, how you got here, where you've been and where you'd like to go, or where you are going. It also makes you realized aside from tangent thoughts one thing is a fact. Birth is a true miracle! When you start with a miracle, every single day after that miracle is a miracle just by default.
We're here because of the miracle of life. The miracle is that two people made love and YOU now exist because of that. I have the privilege of witnessing this every Monday at clinicals, and whether or not I actually get to be apart of the birthing and labor process, tears still well up in my eyes every time I see a Mom hold her baby for the first time, or see the excitement of a new grandparent or the love of a new Dad. It makes me realize how special I am and how loved I am, and how much love my parents have for each other, and how much love I have for my Husband and for our future children. Life is such a miracle, it's incomprehensible. Whether you are Jewish, Christian or Muslim, we all got here the EXACT same way, we are all love.
Today was overwhelming, even though it was uneventful. Aside for the newborn assessment and bath that I was able to actually provide for the newborn, nothing other than the pure fact of life/birth had me in awe. Going for a run and swim my a necessary decompression and helps me to figure out where my place is in this crazy world. it helps me sort through the million and one feelings I had today. It helps me realize how my daily experiences help challenge me and transform me into a better person, and the running and swimming ain't to bad for the bod either ;)
May 27, 2010
Diamonds aren't perfect... and they're still amazing...
1 Down... 5 To Go...semesters that is.... It really doesn't even matter - I mean it does, but isn't this life... it always feels like a count down - one more year until X, 4 more months until Y, and I caught myself just today thinking, as I was talking to my Bestfriend about a trip coming up in three weeks... I was thinking about planning another one with her... WHY CAN'T WE JUST APPRECIATE THE MOMENT?!!!!
I mean, we'd like to think we do, we soak it all up and tuck it away in a safe place in our hearts and minds, but (and especially this day in age) we are just expecting the 'next best thing' to happen. Or maybe that's just me? :)
Answer you say? Well, I don't really have one, but I do know that graditude takes you far places and invites additional moments of sucess and happiness into our lives. Gratitude alsos keep you in the moment and unveils the reality of your life, good or bad.
I guess my point, if I do have one, is that the melody of our lives depends on our prespective of our lives. The key to having keen perspective is living in reality.If we are waiting for the next best thing, then were are not living in the present and therefore not living in reality. On the other hand, if our reality is reeling it's ugly head and we'd rather be elsewhere people always say, "put it in perspective." It comes full circle. We can be in the darkest place but with the correct tune we can realize that not only are we imperect but in that same light we are eloqently perfect. If you think about all of the things that are imperfect in nature and this lifetime just due to the simple fact that they made by nature (or man) and then you think about how intrinsicly perfect our bodies are to maintain homeostatis in the face of adversity you realize you can overcome anything that comes your way. You sorta start saying "Bring it on" (but not really... that was enough, I'd just like to relax right here right now). The melody or tune of your life is that much brighter because you've accepted yourself for who you are and what you've been through that brought you to this moment, right here right now, and that's how you realize you're ok, life is ok. We may not be perfect, but neither are diamonds. Diamonds aren't even pretty until they've been roughed up a bit on the outside to reveal the truth within. If you ask me, diamonds are pretty dang amazing, just like you.
I mean, we'd like to think we do, we soak it all up and tuck it away in a safe place in our hearts and minds, but (and especially this day in age) we are just expecting the 'next best thing' to happen. Or maybe that's just me? :)
Answer you say? Well, I don't really have one, but I do know that graditude takes you far places and invites additional moments of sucess and happiness into our lives. Gratitude alsos keep you in the moment and unveils the reality of your life, good or bad.
I guess my point, if I do have one, is that the melody of our lives depends on our prespective of our lives. The key to having keen perspective is living in reality.If we are waiting for the next best thing, then were are not living in the present and therefore not living in reality. On the other hand, if our reality is reeling it's ugly head and we'd rather be elsewhere people always say, "put it in perspective." It comes full circle. We can be in the darkest place but with the correct tune we can realize that not only are we imperect but in that same light we are eloqently perfect. If you think about all of the things that are imperfect in nature and this lifetime just due to the simple fact that they made by nature (or man) and then you think about how intrinsicly perfect our bodies are to maintain homeostatis in the face of adversity you realize you can overcome anything that comes your way. You sorta start saying "Bring it on" (but not really... that was enough, I'd just like to relax right here right now). The melody or tune of your life is that much brighter because you've accepted yourself for who you are and what you've been through that brought you to this moment, right here right now, and that's how you realize you're ok, life is ok. We may not be perfect, but neither are diamonds. Diamonds aren't even pretty until they've been roughed up a bit on the outside to reveal the truth within. If you ask me, diamonds are pretty dang amazing, just like you.
May 11, 2010
Togo, Africa
Ok, so of all the things that I SHOULD be doing right now... I cannot wait to share this news with everyone! A HUGE DOT has just been placed on my map of life. It's truley amazing!
Without getting into TOO much detail... because there is a lot of detail... the night before my car accident I prayed that God would use me to help other people. It has truly manifested itself in a lot of things that I have done in my life and had happen to me post accident, but this is the true workings of the Lord... I know I sound like "Jesus Freak" right now, even using that word makes me sound like one, but really... there is NO DENYING what has just manifested in our life right now.
So on April 30th, I went and spoke as a guest speaker at my old High School for the program called "Every 15 Mintues" ( I spoke at the "night of the living dead" where students who were involved in the "Mock Crash" came and listened to 3 other guest speakers share their stories of how their lives had been changed by others while under the influence. Now, I have spoken at this a few times over the past 7 years, and 3 years ago I met a women who is a nurse at John Muir in Walnut Creek, before I had decided to go back to school for Nursing. Well, Sheri was there again, and she remembered that I was thinking of going back to school for Nursing three years ago and was so excited to hear that I had started at program at USF.
As we were talking about how wonderful Nurses are and all the options there are, she mentioned that she actually worked over in Africa with a friend that started clinic. This clinic is currently looking for MSN prepared students AND, get this... a Finance person... enter Brett! It's honestly too good to be true and pass up.
Brett and I have always wanted to be able to travel to a foreign country and visit and volunteer and make a difference in the World. This is truly God pushing us in the direction he has called upon us. It's truly a blessing!
If you are a nurse or physican or in finance/accounting, please let me know if you are interested, I can send you more information. Sharon, the women at the mission hospital in Togo said that the needs [here] on this side of the world are huge - and there sure are not many people available to help with those
Looking forward to Serving in Togo!
Without getting into TOO much detail... because there is a lot of detail... the night before my car accident I prayed that God would use me to help other people. It has truly manifested itself in a lot of things that I have done in my life and had happen to me post accident, but this is the true workings of the Lord... I know I sound like "Jesus Freak" right now, even using that word makes me sound like one, but really... there is NO DENYING what has just manifested in our life right now.
So on April 30th, I went and spoke as a guest speaker at my old High School for the program called "Every 15 Mintues" ( I spoke at the "night of the living dead" where students who were involved in the "Mock Crash" came and listened to 3 other guest speakers share their stories of how their lives had been changed by others while under the influence. Now, I have spoken at this a few times over the past 7 years, and 3 years ago I met a women who is a nurse at John Muir in Walnut Creek, before I had decided to go back to school for Nursing. Well, Sheri was there again, and she remembered that I was thinking of going back to school for Nursing three years ago and was so excited to hear that I had started at program at USF.
As we were talking about how wonderful Nurses are and all the options there are, she mentioned that she actually worked over in Africa with a friend that started clinic. This clinic is currently looking for MSN prepared students AND, get this... a Finance person... enter Brett! It's honestly too good to be true and pass up.
Brett and I have always wanted to be able to travel to a foreign country and visit and volunteer and make a difference in the World. This is truly God pushing us in the direction he has called upon us. It's truly a blessing!
If you are a nurse or physican or in finance/accounting, please let me know if you are interested, I can send you more information. Sharon, the women at the mission hospital in Togo said that the needs [here] on this side of the world are huge - and there sure are not many people available to help with those
Looking forward to Serving in Togo!
April 27, 2010
Up to 447 Views!
Serendipitously 447 views....
The first 4 stands for... The date Brett and I broke up in High School (I have a pretty good memory, for better or worse)What date is that? February 4th, 1998.
The Second 4 stands for - The date Brett and I got engaged, June 4th, 2006.
The 7 stand for ... the date Brett and I got married 7/7/07...
More importantly, I would just like to thank everyone for viewing my blog, friends and family. I have actually had a few extraneous people contact me that googled the University of San Francisco, or my name from friends of friends who are looking into going into nursing school, to a friend I made at school who is my "voice twin," as she calls it. Yes people, I am important and people love me. Kidding...
I know Harpo productions is retiring this year, as my dream was ALWAYS to be on Oprah but Oprah if you are reading, do I have an inspirational story for you(was it bad that it was easier for me to spell her name backwards rather than forwards...?) If that fails, I live across the street from Daniel Steel... although when you live on entire city block, you have lots of "right across the street neighbors." I've thought about going and knocking on her big brass gate (there are about three range rovers, a few Mercedes and a giant GMC Denali in her drive way... all I am sure she has someone drive for her) and selling her my story for a discounted price ;) although I am sure you can't discount this.
I know something will come of this blog, even if it's just me writing and continuing to get emails from people seeking advice on how to get into nursing school :) Or maybe even a book of my own.
The first 4 stands for... The date Brett and I broke up in High School (I have a pretty good memory, for better or worse)What date is that? February 4th, 1998.
The Second 4 stands for - The date Brett and I got engaged, June 4th, 2006.
The 7 stand for ... the date Brett and I got married 7/7/07...
More importantly, I would just like to thank everyone for viewing my blog, friends and family. I have actually had a few extraneous people contact me that googled the University of San Francisco, or my name from friends of friends who are looking into going into nursing school, to a friend I made at school who is my "voice twin," as she calls it. Yes people, I am important and people love me. Kidding...
I know Harpo productions is retiring this year, as my dream was ALWAYS to be on Oprah but Oprah if you are reading, do I have an inspirational story for you(was it bad that it was easier for me to spell her name backwards rather than forwards...?) If that fails, I live across the street from Daniel Steel... although when you live on entire city block, you have lots of "right across the street neighbors." I've thought about going and knocking on her big brass gate (there are about three range rovers, a few Mercedes and a giant GMC Denali in her drive way... all I am sure she has someone drive for her) and selling her my story for a discounted price ;) although I am sure you can't discount this.
I know something will come of this blog, even if it's just me writing and continuing to get emails from people seeking advice on how to get into nursing school :) Or maybe even a book of my own.
April 18, 2010
My first TRI.... or shall I say Try?!!
Yesterday I completed a 1/2 mile swim * 9 mile bike * 3 mile run!!!!! Honestly Insane. My Husband is completing his first IronMan on July 31, which is a 2.4 mile swim * 112 mile bike * 26.2 mile run, makes my effort look like peanut shells on the floor, but it's all relative. So, I started out with a pack of 100 girls in my age group. As we were waiting for our time to start, a girl next to took one look at me and said "Is this your first Tri?" Was it the arms crossed in nervousness, or my white stark face? Neither. She said "You should go get wet first before we start." So with 5 minutes to start, I painfully walked into the Bay. 58 degrees later and with nipples so hard they nearly shreaded my wetsuit, I dunked my head and slipped in a few warm up strokes, although, they barely warmed anything up. So we started. I was fine.. until about 3 minutes into my swim, when the shock wore off and I suddenly realized.. "WHAT IN THE FRUIT CAKE AM I DOING OUT HERE!!!!" Absolute terror rushed over my body and I felt like a piece of steel sinking into the ocean. What was I doing out there. Why hadn't I tried swimming in the bay BEFORE this manuever? What in the hell was I thinking. I can't swim, I feel like I am going NOWHERE fast because there are 50 people in front of me all trying to swim around the same damn booey! I started thinking of escape routes... where are the lifegaurds in the canoes... I need a canoe, find a canoe, get me in a canoe... anxiety and panic are rushing over me... I truely consider stopping at this point, finding a canoe and getting the hell out of this situation... who WILLINGLY does this to themselves? I started paddling over to the left, quasi backstoke (because this is the only way I feel I can breath), away from the mass of yellow swim capped seals. I backstroke to get more air, because I certainly feel as though I cannot breath with this tight ass wetsuit around my neck. I start to swim normal again, and find myself at RELATIVE ease. Suddenly, I look up and I realize I am almost there... I kept trying to center myself, but it's proving to be a challenge with the ocean waves slapping me in the face. I just put my head down and swam.... finally land. I run out of the water, I can't believe what has just happened. It was like a rendition of my car accident ALL over again except I was in the water, and "willingly." I hear Brett yelling for me... and I tell him I had a complete anxiety attack... I want to stop, but he tells me to keep going you're doing great.... (see video clip). The bike and run proved to be a feat! I passed about 25 people on the bike and 6 on the run - no one passed me. Needless to say, it was an amazingly terrifying experience. I just kept thinking to myself, how am I ever going to do an olympic distance tri - which I am signed up for in July. I guess I'll just have to train this time...
April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Brett and I woke up today and decided to run downtown and get a bite to eat together for Breakfast. We walked out our front door, and there was a girl sleeping in the corner of our entry way/doorstep. She appeared homeless and obviously cold. This caught Brett and I both off gaurd as we live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the city, Pacific Heights. As were we crossing the street, Brett said "That's a first."
I had to get some blood work done downtown for school (in order to be a clinical student nurse). I rode the bus back home and when I returned she was still there. As I walked up to our doorway, I could see her eyes look up at me. I leaned down to ask her if she was ok and if she needed anything. She just wanted a snack, so I ran upstairs, got her some cuties, an apple and some pretzels and a huge glass of OJ, I figured she was probably dehydrated and OJ sounded good to me.
I came back downstairs and handed her her food. I asked her again if she was ok, and if she needed anything else. I really didn't mind that she was on our doorstep, I think she might have been thinking I wanted her to leave. Some people might be offended (or whatever) but I figured she was harmless so I didn't care. Anyhow, I asked her if she was ok, and she said, yes. I said do you need anything else, I would give you money but I don't have cash. She asked for a sweatshirt. I ran back upstairs, and found one of the many sweatshirts I NEVER wear and gave it to her. She seemed very happy.
While I was upstairs, getting her food, I thought about asking her if she wanted to come up and take a shower. I would have if Brett was home, cause I could see something going terribly wrong if it were me here by myself (it's hard enough to be responsible for just me). Its just so disheartening and sad. I know everyone has their own path, but it's just sad.
I asked her her name, she said "Georgia, what's yous?" I said "Gina." She said, "What happened to you voice?" I told her I was in a car accident and you know what, for the FIRST time since it happened, my accident seems like a fart in the wind compared to her life. It's like my accident didn't even compare.
Pray for Georgia.
I had to get some blood work done downtown for school (in order to be a clinical student nurse). I rode the bus back home and when I returned she was still there. As I walked up to our doorway, I could see her eyes look up at me. I leaned down to ask her if she was ok and if she needed anything. She just wanted a snack, so I ran upstairs, got her some cuties, an apple and some pretzels and a huge glass of OJ, I figured she was probably dehydrated and OJ sounded good to me.
I came back downstairs and handed her her food. I asked her again if she was ok, and if she needed anything else. I really didn't mind that she was on our doorstep, I think she might have been thinking I wanted her to leave. Some people might be offended (or whatever) but I figured she was harmless so I didn't care. Anyhow, I asked her if she was ok, and she said, yes. I said do you need anything else, I would give you money but I don't have cash. She asked for a sweatshirt. I ran back upstairs, and found one of the many sweatshirts I NEVER wear and gave it to her. She seemed very happy.
While I was upstairs, getting her food, I thought about asking her if she wanted to come up and take a shower. I would have if Brett was home, cause I could see something going terribly wrong if it were me here by myself (it's hard enough to be responsible for just me). Its just so disheartening and sad. I know everyone has their own path, but it's just sad.
I asked her her name, she said "Georgia, what's yous?" I said "Gina." She said, "What happened to you voice?" I told her I was in a car accident and you know what, for the FIRST time since it happened, my accident seems like a fart in the wind compared to her life. It's like my accident didn't even compare.
Pray for Georgia.
March 17, 2010
Happy Spring Break to Gina!
You'll never believe it, but not only is it Spring break (already!!) but I've been ill since Sunday.
It started off like a standard cold and then escalated into me bent over the toilet both ways every hour on the hour Monday night into Tuesday morning. I went to the doctor first thing Tuesday and she sent me to the ER to have a CT Scan on my stomach for the possibility of appendicitis.
I got to the ER (ironically enough the one we now live two blocks from and where I use to volunteer) and the ER doctor said he didn't think it was presenting like appendicitis, and that there is a really bad stomach bug going around (I want to kick this bugs you know what).
I'm better today, but I slept ALL day yesterday, through the night and woke up at 12:30pm today - so about 18+ hours of sleep. Insane and not fun, happy spring break to Gina! Hoping I continue to feel better in Tahoe, as we're headed up today, Brett, myself, Hurley and our newest addition - the appendicitis bug.
Brett stayed home with me all day yesterday and took me to the doctors and hospital. It was so cute, Brett, after all was said and done says... "You already had your fair share of bad stuff happen to you, you're suppose to be invincible now!"
I thought to myself, "I am deary, I have you by my side."
It started off like a standard cold and then escalated into me bent over the toilet both ways every hour on the hour Monday night into Tuesday morning. I went to the doctor first thing Tuesday and she sent me to the ER to have a CT Scan on my stomach for the possibility of appendicitis.
I got to the ER (ironically enough the one we now live two blocks from and where I use to volunteer) and the ER doctor said he didn't think it was presenting like appendicitis, and that there is a really bad stomach bug going around (I want to kick this bugs you know what).
I'm better today, but I slept ALL day yesterday, through the night and woke up at 12:30pm today - so about 18+ hours of sleep. Insane and not fun, happy spring break to Gina! Hoping I continue to feel better in Tahoe, as we're headed up today, Brett, myself, Hurley and our newest addition - the appendicitis bug.
Brett stayed home with me all day yesterday and took me to the doctors and hospital. It was so cute, Brett, after all was said and done says... "You already had your fair share of bad stuff happen to you, you're suppose to be invincible now!"
I thought to myself, "I am deary, I have you by my side."
March 9, 2010
What your looking for ... you probably already have
Why do we keep "stuff" we don't need?
Brett and I moved a week ago to Pacific Heights from Russian Hill (in San Francisco) and I am finally getting the chance today to decorate... or make an attempt at decorating. One of my initial thoughts was "I need more "stuff" for our place... more furniture, more knick knacks... more stuuuuffff! We don't have enough.
So last night before I went to bed, I started searching the Pottery Barn website for "stuff." Actually to be honest, I've been doing this for about a month now in anticipation of moving, I've even gone as far as searching Craigslist for PB stuff to be more "practical." It's cheaper second hand right?
First off, we have enough stuff, and our apartment is not big enough for more "stuff." Well, it is, but we definatley don't neeeeed more "stuff."
So instead of buying more stuff, I have been searching the pottery barn website for ideas on how to decorate, and so far so good! I am loving our house right now, and it's all because of the ideas that I am getting out of decorating from the PB website. It's better to reorganize and redecorate than to buy new "stuff" right?
This blog came to me while I was in our storage closet from "h-e-double hockey sticks", which, dear God help us, is or was BUSTING at the seams until I reorganized it today. Anyway, as I was in there being suffocated by the things that we don't really need but have and are keeping for some reason, I thought of this blog. Actually, I thought of this blog right as something hit me in the head while I was in the storage closet and it suddenly dawned on me ... whyyyyyyyy do we have so much stuff, and what was I thinking going to PB website with the intention of buying more stuff!
To actually feel as if you don't need or want anymore than you already own, and appreciate what you do have instead of looking for what you don't is always easier said than done. Today, I learned a valuable lesson. If we look inside ourselves (or in this case, our homes) and search high and low, near and deep, we already have exactly what we need, and then some. Sometimes it hits us square on the head in a stoarage closet and other times it takes a bit more soul searching, but somehow we manage to be given what we need. Other times, it's just a matter of reorganizing our thoughts (or things) in order to repurify our well-being (or space). If we can keep a positive perspective, continue our appreciation and gratitude, all things good will keep coming our way.
PS I also owe you guys another blog ~ Brett and I went for another 45 mile bike ride on Saturday and it wasn't as glorious as the first... but hysterical nonetheless. I'll try and post that epidose of our life later today or tomorrow!
Brett and I moved a week ago to Pacific Heights from Russian Hill (in San Francisco) and I am finally getting the chance today to decorate... or make an attempt at decorating. One of my initial thoughts was "I need more "stuff" for our place... more furniture, more knick knacks... more stuuuuffff! We don't have enough.
So last night before I went to bed, I started searching the Pottery Barn website for "stuff." Actually to be honest, I've been doing this for about a month now in anticipation of moving, I've even gone as far as searching Craigslist for PB stuff to be more "practical." It's cheaper second hand right?
First off, we have enough stuff, and our apartment is not big enough for more "stuff." Well, it is, but we definatley don't neeeeed more "stuff."
So instead of buying more stuff, I have been searching the pottery barn website for ideas on how to decorate, and so far so good! I am loving our house right now, and it's all because of the ideas that I am getting out of decorating from the PB website. It's better to reorganize and redecorate than to buy new "stuff" right?
This blog came to me while I was in our storage closet from "h-e-double hockey sticks", which, dear God help us, is or was BUSTING at the seams until I reorganized it today. Anyway, as I was in there being suffocated by the things that we don't really need but have and are keeping for some reason, I thought of this blog. Actually, I thought of this blog right as something hit me in the head while I was in the storage closet and it suddenly dawned on me ... whyyyyyyyy do we have so much stuff, and what was I thinking going to PB website with the intention of buying more stuff!
To actually feel as if you don't need or want anymore than you already own, and appreciate what you do have instead of looking for what you don't is always easier said than done. Today, I learned a valuable lesson. If we look inside ourselves (or in this case, our homes) and search high and low, near and deep, we already have exactly what we need, and then some. Sometimes it hits us square on the head in a stoarage closet and other times it takes a bit more soul searching, but somehow we manage to be given what we need. Other times, it's just a matter of reorganizing our thoughts (or things) in order to repurify our well-being (or space). If we can keep a positive perspective, continue our appreciation and gratitude, all things good will keep coming our way.
PS I also owe you guys another blog ~ Brett and I went for another 45 mile bike ride on Saturday and it wasn't as glorious as the first... but hysterical nonetheless. I'll try and post that epidose of our life later today or tomorrow!
March 4, 2010
Our (new) Beautiful View!
This is our new and exciting view. I sit here and watch the puppies play outside. There are usually anywhere between 2 to 25 puppies out there. They love playing and sometimes Hurley asks to sit on the table and look outside, and I let him :). I sit here with my cup of coffee (or two) and look outside and thank God for this blessed view to study with. I sound like a three year old, but sometimes the simpliest things in life are the greatest!
February 24, 2010
It's time for new shoes!
In my life's process, I am being to journey down a path that I have dared not go before, both literally and figuratively speaking. April 11 and July 10 will mark two days where I have dared not go before and everyday before then will mark a beginning of a new Gina. For those of you who may not know, today officially marked the beginning of my training regime to be like Brett; I am training for my first two Triathlons!
Usually when I sign up for something that includes exercise, ie a Half-Marathon, I don't train, and then I sorta brag, in a way, that I have not trained. I usually don't train because I am too afraid of committing myself to a routine, not only that, but I sorta grew up in a household where I sorta just "got by." I mean, I practiced my love of soccer, was a part of a team and excelled both collectively and individually, but did I go on to play college soccer when I probably could have - no. Sure, I got in car accident that nearly killed me, but I didn't have a choice there, I had to thrive, I HAD to pick myself back up and pick up the pieces and start a new. I wasn't going to live another 70 years with a trache - ya know? This is just different. This is different, because I get to make the choice. I get to train, make the choice to excel and move forward. There isn't some crazy lady (aka My Mom) as a distraction. I'm my own worst enemy here.
Training for a triathlon involves a lot of time with yourself. First, you have to convince yourself to move your you know what off the couch and go for a swim, ride you bike or run. Then once you finally muster up the courage to workout, if your music isn't loud enough, or even if it is, there is that little itty bitty voice in there (at least I think that is what I'm hearing) telling you you can't do it, or your too tired to go on. What is that?! Hello... clearly I can do this... why can't you be positive? - and then you suddenly realize you are talking to yourself!
Listening to your own thoughts - which some of you know could be scary when it comes to me - That's is an exercise in itself!!! This blog tonight is entitled "It's time for new shoes" because not only is it time for a new pair of running shoes (my knee is starting to hurt me), it's time for me to step into a new Gina.
Today my regime required 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes of swimming, and it was excellent. To give you an insiders perspective on personal conversations I was having with myself, well here it goes. After the "pre-game coversations" of to go or not to go, while I was actually running this evening, I ran past a street called Octavia. We're moving soon and Octavia is going to be our new cross street. From Bay Street, Octavia gets steep - real steep! I was inspired to write this blog. I think I have some challenges ahead of me, but I am excited to face them as a progressive person and not a "yeah - I'll get by" type person! I'm excited to apply this new motto of new shoes to every aspect of my life and see the benefits that are reaped! Say it with me ... "It's time for new shoes!"
Usually when I sign up for something that includes exercise, ie a Half-Marathon, I don't train, and then I sorta brag, in a way, that I have not trained. I usually don't train because I am too afraid of committing myself to a routine, not only that, but I sorta grew up in a household where I sorta just "got by." I mean, I practiced my love of soccer, was a part of a team and excelled both collectively and individually, but did I go on to play college soccer when I probably could have - no. Sure, I got in car accident that nearly killed me, but I didn't have a choice there, I had to thrive, I HAD to pick myself back up and pick up the pieces and start a new. I wasn't going to live another 70 years with a trache - ya know? This is just different. This is different, because I get to make the choice. I get to train, make the choice to excel and move forward. There isn't some crazy lady (aka My Mom) as a distraction. I'm my own worst enemy here.
Training for a triathlon involves a lot of time with yourself. First, you have to convince yourself to move your you know what off the couch and go for a swim, ride you bike or run. Then once you finally muster up the courage to workout, if your music isn't loud enough, or even if it is, there is that little itty bitty voice in there (at least I think that is what I'm hearing) telling you you can't do it, or your too tired to go on. What is that?! Hello... clearly I can do this... why can't you be positive? - and then you suddenly realize you are talking to yourself!
Listening to your own thoughts - which some of you know could be scary when it comes to me - That's is an exercise in itself!!! This blog tonight is entitled "It's time for new shoes" because not only is it time for a new pair of running shoes (my knee is starting to hurt me), it's time for me to step into a new Gina.
Today my regime required 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes of swimming, and it was excellent. To give you an insiders perspective on personal conversations I was having with myself, well here it goes. After the "pre-game coversations" of to go or not to go, while I was actually running this evening, I ran past a street called Octavia. We're moving soon and Octavia is going to be our new cross street. From Bay Street, Octavia gets steep - real steep! I was inspired to write this blog. I think I have some challenges ahead of me, but I am excited to face them as a progressive person and not a "yeah - I'll get by" type person! I'm excited to apply this new motto of new shoes to every aspect of my life and see the benefits that are reaped! Say it with me ... "It's time for new shoes!"
February 15, 2010
Honestly... I feel as though I am the most blessed girl in the all of the WORLD!

Married to the man of my dreams, persuing the career of my dreams... it honestly doesn't get better than this!
It was GORGEOUS yesterday and my Valentine and I rode 40+ miles on our Road Bikes together - we did the Paradise Valley loop.. my first Bike ride ever!! Honestly, the best day of my life... well Top 5. I told Brett that if I didn't count the day we got back together, or the day we got engaged/the day we got married, any days on our various tours of the world... this was honestly the best day of my life!
We had an amazing Valentine's Day. We woke up, had bagels and coffee on Polk street with Hurley. Then rode our bikes 40+ miles, over the Golden gate, through Marin, through Paradise Valley loop and then Tiberon, then back over the Golden Gate! Pure Bliss. And my airway - totally not an issue, through the hills and going down hills 25+miles per hour... it was AH-MAZ-ING! Then we went to dinner at our fav Indian food place then saw It's Complicated!
It's been an amazing journey! School's going great!! Lots of fun and meeting great friends!
Oh, and I've signed up for Two Triathlons! April 17th, which is a "sprint tri" in it's in Marin and July 10th on Treasure Island which is Olymipic distance! Cannot wait! Cannot believe I'm going to do this either.. Nursing School or Tri's! HAHAHAHAA HA HA!
February 2, 2010
Serendipity at it's VERY BEST!
On April 1, I will be a speaker at Every 15 Minutes at Clayton Valley High School again. This is truely such a great honor, as I have now spoken there for the past 3-5 years (WOW).
Today, I went to school, met with a Tutor for my Pharm and Physio class and then met with my two new friends Lindsey and Theresa. It's amazing how much we have in common, it must be due to the face that we are all attempting the same great feat, but seriously, you know when you just click with people - you just know. They have me laughing my face off constantly.
I really do feel so serendipitous these days. It was about three years ago that I imagined my life the way it is in the here and now. I remember I was watching the Secret, wishing I could be a nurse, putting it out there, hoping that I would go to school and live in SF and now look where I am at - doing JUST that!
Theresa and I have a very long talk yesterday when we should have been studying. She endured hardship with her mom battling Luekemia. The doctors told her that her Mom had really no chance of survival, and that they could try a very risky two day surgery, but that they really should say their good-byes before she went into her surgery. She received an entire blood transfusion and a stem cell transfusion and beat the odds. It was truely remarkable, and I felt humbled by her Mom's courage in the face of adversity. She would put on viking helment with long golden pigtails and call her self "Bruce-Hilda" everytime she would go in for Chemo. A true inspiration and really speaks to the heart of your outlook on life has the power to potentially save your life.
I feel so blessed to be surrounded by people like Theresa. The entire group seems very neat. I can't tell you how exciting this is for me :)
Today, I went to school, met with a Tutor for my Pharm and Physio class and then met with my two new friends Lindsey and Theresa. It's amazing how much we have in common, it must be due to the face that we are all attempting the same great feat, but seriously, you know when you just click with people - you just know. They have me laughing my face off constantly.
I really do feel so serendipitous these days. It was about three years ago that I imagined my life the way it is in the here and now. I remember I was watching the Secret, wishing I could be a nurse, putting it out there, hoping that I would go to school and live in SF and now look where I am at - doing JUST that!
Theresa and I have a very long talk yesterday when we should have been studying. She endured hardship with her mom battling Luekemia. The doctors told her that her Mom had really no chance of survival, and that they could try a very risky two day surgery, but that they really should say their good-byes before she went into her surgery. She received an entire blood transfusion and a stem cell transfusion and beat the odds. It was truely remarkable, and I felt humbled by her Mom's courage in the face of adversity. She would put on viking helment with long golden pigtails and call her self "Bruce-Hilda" everytime she would go in for Chemo. A true inspiration and really speaks to the heart of your outlook on life has the power to potentially save your life.
I feel so blessed to be surrounded by people like Theresa. The entire group seems very neat. I can't tell you how exciting this is for me :)
January 26, 2010
My First Day!
The first day of school was fun! I had two classes, Pharm/Physio and Assessment later in the evening. I can tell that this is going to be an experience of a lifetime for me. The faculty is so helping and I love being around them, I mean they are all nurses and I think my brain is wired from my accident to really feel safe and comfortable around nurses :)
The campus is honestly beautiful! To the cathedral to the Lone Mountain buillding that sits a top the hill of the campus. It has saints at every corner in the halls of the building and there are crosses in each room. My Pharm/Physio room has the most spectaculare view of the Golden Gate Bridge - AH, breathtaking!!
I got most of my books yesterday (I called the bank to take out a second on our home in Walnut Creek! ;) ) and then got my ID card for the hospital clinics and campus! So cute!! Now, I am organizing all my class material and reviewing the syllabi.
This semester is going to go quick, the entire program is! It's going to be a lot of work.. there are honestly only two grades in Grad school, an A or a B.. anything else you are asked to retake the class, and if you have to take a class twice... they drop you from the program. Talk about instilling the fear of God in you!
I'm just happy and thankful that everything worked out the way it has! I feel SO incredible blessed to be able to take this journey and to have such an endeering Husband who supports me so.
January 25, 2010
It's Official... MY FIRST DAY!
It is 8:45 and I just wanted to capture the first day excitement that I am feeling! I honestly cannot believe that this is it, I'm HERE! I have worked so hard directly and indirectly over the past three years to get here, and I am here. I visualized thi day three years ago when I was watching the movie the secret - but it out to the universe and now I am here. A million thanks to the love of my life for helping and supporting me emotionally to believe in myself, for without him I would not be here.
I know that there will be a lot of hard work and challenges over the coming months and years and each semester will pose different challenges both mentally and academically, but I am so excited! Oh my GOSH... I am going to be a RN!
Alright, I am off... wish me luck ;)
I know that there will be a lot of hard work and challenges over the coming months and years and each semester will pose different challenges both mentally and academically, but I am so excited! Oh my GOSH... I am going to be a RN!
Alright, I am off... wish me luck ;)
January 21, 2010
It's A GIRL!!
January 12, 2010
New Year Resolutions
I was "booging" (throwing useless stuff out) our house and ran across the journal I use to write in after my car accident. Besides the craziness that was that time, I randomly wrote in it a year ago today... January 12th, 2009. Here is what I wrote (I copied it from Maria Shriver)
1. I pledge to "show up as me" in my life, not as an imitation of anyone else.
2. I pledge to avoid using the word "just" to describe myself. For example, I will won't say "Im just a CPA or I'm just working at PricewaterhouseCoopers or I just live here."
3. I pledge to give myself 10 minutes a day of silence and stillness everyday to get in touch with my heart and hear my own voice.
4. I pledge to use my voice to connect my dreams to my actions.
5. I pledge to use my voice to empower myself and others.
6. I pledge to serve my community at least once a year in a way that will benefit other people.
7. I pledge to ask myself "Who Am I? What do I believe in? What am I grateful for? What do I want my life to stand for?"
8. I pledge to write down my mission statement.
9. I pledge to live my own legacy.
10. And I pledge to pass it on.
Most Important - It's not what you DO in life ... it's who you are.
So those 10 things were what Maria Schriver's book said - a sort of New Years Resolution. Looking back over the past year, there have been a TON of changes in not only my life, but our life (Brett and I) and hopefully my friends. This year I am going to continue to make sure I let my friends and family know how important they are to me. I know I've checked a lot of things off last years New Years Resolutions list, and I am excited to see where I go in 2010 and continue to challenge myself to become a better person.
Here were some of my New Year Resolutions for 2009:
1. Sign up for School
2. Refocus on health
3. Spiritual practice
4. Support Brett as he does me (x10)
5. Sit with myself 20 minutes a day
6. Learn something new
7. Help my Mom
8. Love
9. Give joy & happiness to others
10. Be
11. Take off the armour that was put on me as a child
12. Live an authentic life (my favorite one)
13. Tell my story
14. Help other people
15. My community
16. Live life as myself
In addition to the ones above (some of which I have successfully placed an imaginary checkmark next to, these are my 2010 Resolutions:
1. Become a Triathlete
2. Have a morning/evening routine to enhance the organization of my home
3. Eat Healthy
4. Love my Husband intimately
5. Understand my place in the world as fully as possible.
6. Enhance gratitude and appreciation for living in America
7. Write a book.
8. Be valedictorian
9. Become an Registered Nurse.
10. Habitat for Humanity volunteer overseas
11. Wake up early & like it
1. I pledge to "show up as me" in my life, not as an imitation of anyone else.
2. I pledge to avoid using the word "just" to describe myself. For example, I will won't say "Im just a CPA or I'm just working at PricewaterhouseCoopers or I just live here."
3. I pledge to give myself 10 minutes a day of silence and stillness everyday to get in touch with my heart and hear my own voice.
4. I pledge to use my voice to connect my dreams to my actions.
5. I pledge to use my voice to empower myself and others.
6. I pledge to serve my community at least once a year in a way that will benefit other people.
7. I pledge to ask myself "Who Am I? What do I believe in? What am I grateful for? What do I want my life to stand for?"
8. I pledge to write down my mission statement.
9. I pledge to live my own legacy.
10. And I pledge to pass it on.
Most Important - It's not what you DO in life ... it's who you are.
So those 10 things were what Maria Schriver's book said - a sort of New Years Resolution. Looking back over the past year, there have been a TON of changes in not only my life, but our life (Brett and I) and hopefully my friends. This year I am going to continue to make sure I let my friends and family know how important they are to me. I know I've checked a lot of things off last years New Years Resolutions list, and I am excited to see where I go in 2010 and continue to challenge myself to become a better person.
Here were some of my New Year Resolutions for 2009:
1. Sign up for School
2. Refocus on health
3. Spiritual practice
4. Support Brett as he does me (x10)
5. Sit with myself 20 minutes a day
6. Learn something new
7. Help my Mom
8. Love
9. Give joy & happiness to others
10. Be
11. Take off the armour that was put on me as a child
12. Live an authentic life (my favorite one)
13. Tell my story
14. Help other people
15. My community
16. Live life as myself
In addition to the ones above (some of which I have successfully placed an imaginary checkmark next to, these are my 2010 Resolutions:
1. Become a Triathlete
2. Have a morning/evening routine to enhance the organization of my home
3. Eat Healthy
4. Love my Husband intimately
5. Understand my place in the world as fully as possible.
6. Enhance gratitude and appreciation for living in America
7. Write a book.
8. Be valedictorian
9. Become an Registered Nurse.
10. Habitat for Humanity volunteer overseas
11. Wake up early & like it
January 11, 2010
Two weeks EXACTLY, and counting...
Today is 2 weeks from my start date for the Nursing program at USF! WOW!
I cannot believe that I am actually doing this. I was just tending to my home, my wifely duties, you know ... and I am listening to my Pandora, and the Pussycat Dolls song came on ... "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it..." Well I got it, and it reminded me both to be appreciate of what is happening to me in my life at the present moment at hand and of Becky singing the song to her son Wyatt (she literally just gmail chatted me as I wrote that - weird!).
I am feeling very theroetical right now (it's usually right after my monthly visitor) and if you pay attention to your cycle you might notice it too... like today I was in the grocery store looking at valentine's day cards and they were all making me cry. HA! Maybe that isn't therorical but crazy... As Ryan Scott would say - transistion....
"Transition", lately there has sort of been a theme in my life. A lot of what is happening to me is very difficult to process, from our trip to China/Thailand to being accepted to the first nursing school I applied to, it's just a lot of things are all "stimulating" me at once, and it's really been difficult to process.
So ironically enough, that makes the concept of time seem both fast and slow at the same time. Like on our trip to China/Thailand, we were gone for three weeks, but it didn't feel like three weeks - not shorter, not longer, but it just went by like sand in a hour glass - I really felt "time" for the first time as out of control. I wanted the sunshine to shine longer or a bad boat ride to go faster (but those two things can't happen at the same time). My point is that I have two weeks left of "nothing to do" and I am going to try to appreciate my life and myself, my friends and my family for truly who and what they are, staying true to myself and stay in the present moment. It's just funny sometimes to think of who you've been, who you are now and who you hope to be in the future and reconcille all of those three pieces at once. Then to compare those pieces to the time that has passed and the time that is left and get an answer - I think the answer is staying in the present moment and appreciate life's blessings as they come, for better or worse.
I cannot believe that I am actually doing this. I was just tending to my home, my wifely duties, you know ... and I am listening to my Pandora, and the Pussycat Dolls song came on ... "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it..." Well I got it, and it reminded me both to be appreciate of what is happening to me in my life at the present moment at hand and of Becky singing the song to her son Wyatt (she literally just gmail chatted me as I wrote that - weird!).
I am feeling very theroetical right now (it's usually right after my monthly visitor) and if you pay attention to your cycle you might notice it too... like today I was in the grocery store looking at valentine's day cards and they were all making me cry. HA! Maybe that isn't therorical but crazy... As Ryan Scott would say - transistion....
"Transition", lately there has sort of been a theme in my life. A lot of what is happening to me is very difficult to process, from our trip to China/Thailand to being accepted to the first nursing school I applied to, it's just a lot of things are all "stimulating" me at once, and it's really been difficult to process.
So ironically enough, that makes the concept of time seem both fast and slow at the same time. Like on our trip to China/Thailand, we were gone for three weeks, but it didn't feel like three weeks - not shorter, not longer, but it just went by like sand in a hour glass - I really felt "time" for the first time as out of control. I wanted the sunshine to shine longer or a bad boat ride to go faster (but those two things can't happen at the same time). My point is that I have two weeks left of "nothing to do" and I am going to try to appreciate my life and myself, my friends and my family for truly who and what they are, staying true to myself and stay in the present moment. It's just funny sometimes to think of who you've been, who you are now and who you hope to be in the future and reconcille all of those three pieces at once. Then to compare those pieces to the time that has passed and the time that is left and get an answer - I think the answer is staying in the present moment and appreciate life's blessings as they come, for better or worse.
January 4, 2010
You said you wanted to get "fur-shnickered"... I think Aaron found "Fur-shnickerville"
January 3, 2010
Sleepy heads
So the night after B and I slept for 15 hours, we didn't sleep at all the night of Jan 1. We layed in bed for 7 hours together tossing and turning, until we said screw it and just got up. We didn't get tired again until our way home from Napa, it was horrible. We just woke up now today.
Here are two more funny photos from our trip, you vote who wears it best...
January 1, 2010
Home from abroad!!
It's hard to believe we landed yesterday in SFO at 8:00am. Our total travel time was roughly 24 hours and we were unable to sleep on either flight home. Boo! We woke at up 2 am Bangkok on December 31. Bangkok is 15 hours ahead of SF making it 11:00am on Dec 30th here in SF. We flew from Bangkok to Tokyo, Japan (a 7 hour flight) and had a 3 hour layover there, then flew from Tokyo to SFO (10 hour flight). All in all, it ended up being appx 22-24 hours travel time with no sleep! Needless to say we were beyond exhausted. We took a nap right when we got home before picking up our cute little one from Grandma and Grandpa's.
When we woke up, we headed over to B's parents to visit and have a second X-Mas. Matt and Kelly stopped by around 11pm to visit and ring in the New Year with us and Dick Clark. Then headed to bed and slept from 1:00am to 4:45pm! We woke up and it was dark outside! Brett and I thought that his clock was wrong, so he ran out to Kathy and asked her, and we still can't believe it. Our sleep cycle has yet to catch up to our travel cycle and it will probably be a few days until it does. Actually looking back at it now, it doesn't seem to ridiculous that we slept for 15 hours considering we missed an entire nights sleep, it will be interesting to see what happens tonight since we've only been up for 6 hours and its 11pm.
Tomorrow we're headed to Napa to ring in the New year with Aaron Plotkin and his girlfriend. From China/Thailand to Napa Valley California... Brett and I have decided after seeing the craziness that is China and Thailand that we probably live in the best place (region) on earth for the following reasons: (1) Our food has USDA standards, (2)our dollar has value, (3) our people may not have standardized health care like other parts of the world, but (4)we're also not sleeping in shanties on the side of the street, next to rat infested garbage piles that sit next to our makeshift market where we sell fly infested noodles. The list goes on but most importantly, the roads are "safe" (I think I can validly say that as the scariest car ride of my life is no longer my car accident but our car ride out to The Great Wall of China, more specifically back from the Great Wall where our driver was going 160 km (100mph), falling asleep and driving in two lanes, sometimes along the shoulder of the road to pass cars during his wake cycles). Honestly!
I am going to post some photos (sorry they're are kinda a few). We took about 1700 photos, so I will need to sift through them and make a top 100 list or something so I don't bore people to death. Overall, we had a an amazingly great time and are happy and thankful to be home safe and sound.
Happy New Year!
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