It's hard to believe we landed yesterday in SFO at 8:00am. Our total travel time was roughly 24 hours and we were unable to sleep on either flight home. Boo! We woke at up 2 am Bangkok on December 31. Bangkok is 15 hours ahead of SF making it 11:00am on Dec 30th here in SF. We flew from Bangkok to Tokyo, Japan (a 7 hour flight) and had a 3 hour layover there, then flew from Tokyo to SFO (10 hour flight). All in all, it ended up being appx 22-24 hours travel time with no sleep! Needless to say we were beyond exhausted. We took a nap right when we got home before picking up our cute little one from Grandma and Grandpa's.
When we woke up, we headed over to B's parents to visit and have a second X-Mas. Matt and Kelly stopped by around 11pm to visit and ring in the New Year with us and Dick Clark. Then headed to bed and slept from 1:00am to 4:45pm! We woke up and it was dark outside! Brett and I thought that his clock was wrong, so he ran out to Kathy and asked her, and we still can't believe it. Our sleep cycle has yet to catch up to our travel cycle and it will probably be a few days until it does. Actually looking back at it now, it doesn't seem to ridiculous that we slept for 15 hours considering we missed an entire nights sleep, it will be interesting to see what happens tonight since we've only been up for 6 hours and its 11pm.
Tomorrow we're headed to Napa to ring in the New year with Aaron Plotkin and his girlfriend. From China/Thailand to Napa Valley California... Brett and I have decided after seeing the craziness that is China and Thailand that we probably live in the best place (region) on earth for the following reasons: (1) Our food has USDA standards, (2)our dollar has value, (3) our people may not have standardized health care like other parts of the world, but (4)we're also not sleeping in shanties on the side of the street, next to rat infested garbage piles that sit next to our makeshift market where we sell fly infested noodles. The list goes on but most importantly, the roads are "safe" (I think I can validly say that as the scariest car ride of my life is no longer my car accident but our car ride out to The Great Wall of China, more specifically back from the Great Wall where our driver was going 160 km (100mph), falling asleep and driving in two lanes, sometimes along the shoulder of the road to pass cars during his wake cycles). Honestly!
I am going to post some photos (sorry they're are kinda a few). We took about 1700 photos, so I will need to sift through them and make a top 100 list or something so I don't bore people to death. Overall, we had a an amazingly great time and are happy and thankful to be home safe and sound.
Happy New Year!
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