August marks a year for the blog: The Serendipitious Quest. In pondering my own existence and the relatively new existence of the Facebook's, myspace and blogs, I begun to question not only the purpose/reason for this blog but also the meaning and need for The Serendipitious Quest. What does The Serendipitous Quest stand for...who does it reach?
When you break down The Serendipitous Quest it's actually an oxymoron. Go figure - sums up my life. Back on point... when breaking it down, the definition of Serendipity is "to come across unexpectedly based upon wisdom or sanity" and Quest means "to seek out and discover." How then could these two words manifest themselves within the same sentence and be logical? For what basis does this blog exist?
Many others have pondered the meaning and use of the word Serendipity. In the confines of my own existence, and I am sure others will agree, a quest so to speak is self-explanatory, but serendipity - serendipitiy's use in the english dictionary according to Oxford has only recently exploded, much thanks to the internet.
So what does serendipity really mean and what makes my blog - or ME for that matter different? What makes my story and my perceptions a platform worth exploring? And by asking this question - does it kill the essense of this blogs existence?
For now, I will leave the calling into question the use for and of the word serendipity for therorists and philosophers to chase their tails and muddle around with other fancy words that they use to define their knowledge/existence. Yes, to be in quest of something that you are suppose to accidently run into is an oxymoron. But what happens when something or someone accidently RUNS INTO YOU!? What happens if you are fired from your job or someone elses action(s) changes the course of your life. Or what happens if you are born with a disability?
The Serendipitious Quest ceases to be in oxymoron when your disability is used to make you 'able. That is, the serendiptious nature of your "disability" ignites a fire within you that sparks a quest to get you from "point A" to "point B." We all encompass a serendipitous nature by default of being human. It is the way in which we choose to see ourselves in light of a situation, to realize that one path no longer exists but upon our proper scrutiny, or quest, the full potential, realization and actualization of other paths and our existence can refine our overall well-being. It's the "Silver Lining" of a situation that takes us to grace and opens our hearts and minds to the exploration of our self and it's there that we discover our Serendipity and Quest.
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