September 10, 2009

Thank you for the Incense!

Today I was sitting at starbucks having a coffee with Hurley and studying, and all of a sudden, I I think to myself, "I thought that I was in Russina Hill, but it's smells like I am in the Haight." I suddenly turn to the woman next to me to share my thought, and three hours later, I have just had one of the best conversations of my life.

Have you ever wondered why you are where you are when you are there? Or have you ever heard of the old saying "Like attracts like?" Well, today, I think I attacked "like." I spoke with my new friend, who after I turned to and said, "It smells like the Haight!" her response was "Oh, well I have insense burning on the back of my parked bike over there, I like to think that when someone smells them, that for one brief second in time, they think about something that the smell reminds them of, and stop worrying or thinking 100 miles a minute." And that is pretty much how the rest of our conversation went. She was inspiring.

She moved to SF 5 years ago with $1,000 in her pocket to follow a woman who is an 89 year old healing arts dancer and has let life take here where it may since then. But not without her fair share of set backs (but aren't what those that make us human and build character). Talk about a quest!! She is an AMAZINGLY spiritual woman, plays a flute in the presido many mornings and mediatates daily, among other things amazing. She is the 10th of 12 children and her dad passed when she was only 6 years old. Imagine her mother, left with 12 children to take care of. The way she spoke about life made me feel free and weightless and just being in her presence (I felt like I as free as the smoke coming from her insence). I never worried about what time it was or whatever else I "had to do," it was as if for three hours I was completely lost in time and space. We spoke about life and decisions, and just being. It was serendipitious. . .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful! You would think I was giving Wyatt steriods at the rate he is growing but its just breastmilk and formula. Just wait till he starts solids! Miss you!
