Apparently, I've hit what we call a little speed bump in my serendipitous quest. While I am aware that there are worse things out there, the painful swallowing and constant taste of cough drops in my mouth is getting quite old. The idea of where I received this awful contaimination of strep throat from gives me the heebie jeebies due to my current understanding of microbes from my microbiology course - say it with me, YUCK!!
The worst part about being sick, is Brett is not home and I had to call in sick for volunteering today and tomorrow. I just got moved to the Emergency department full time, so that is very exciting for me! And Brett flew down to Scottsdale for work with his CFO, literally flew down, they flew his personal jet (I guess that's next on Brett's "To Do's"), which is exciting and scary at the same time, and if you are wondering, this is what a run one sentance look like.
I'm really, truthfully, the LAST person to complain about being sick (because I hate it when people do that) but I must indulge myself. I just feel like a horses you - know - what! Our coffee table looks like a Rite-Aid and I feel like a giant spore, so much so I'm even afraid I'll get Hurley sick. So I'll leave myself to a day of movies and rest (and painful swallowing). Sidenote: Girls, for those of you with babies - you should watch the National Geographic movie "In the Womb." I got it off netflix :) So amazing how precious life is and your little ones and to remember we have all been there too.
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