Today was my first official day volunteering at CPMC Medical Center in Pacific Heights (cue round of applause), and well, before you say "yeah Gina," let me interrupt, it was anything but eventful. Sure the nurses were nice, and I received some smiles from the janitorial staff, but my idea of helping change peoples lives and having a positive impact on them one encounter at a time just didn't happen for me today. Instead, I stamped "blue patient cards" onto tomorrows acute care charts for three different pods in the Nursing Care Unit.
It's not that I was expecting a gold star or confetti to come dropping from the ceiling, and really, there is only SO much I can do, but did I tell you that one of the nurses on shift this evening Peachy (not sure if this is her birth name) thought that I was in high school. I quickly felt the need to tell Peachy (and I did) that I had a Bachelors of Science in Accounting and my CPA license. She looked confused, like she was going to go into shocked and for a moment I thought that I would have the chance to help save Peachy. It's too bad that conversation did not happen before she so meticulously showed me how to stamp the "blue patient card" onto the acute care charts.
I'll stop bantering now. Brett just went over the monthly budget with me, and I just realized I just encountered my first shock patient that I must attend to.
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