Well, I have some news... drum roll please...
ANNIE AND ROMY HAD THEIR BABY GIRL! . Well, Annie had the baby, but Romy helped too.... Baby and Mom are healthy and the three of them come home tomorrow, and are VERY excited! Reagan Belle Zeid was born on 8/18/2009 at 1:08 pm. Annie looks great as usual and Romy, as Annie would put it "is a rockstar." They were up for 23 hours plus some during the long awaited arrival of baby Reagan! She is so adorable and healthy and precious, just reminds you that life is a TRUE miracle. Annie is my best best best friend and it's been so amazing -words cannot describe the feelings that I am having. But I am staarting to understand why they call childbirth a miracle and children a gift from God.
Now back to me :) I'm not being selfish, I've already been pinned "Crazy Aunt Gina" so I am going to try to refrain from speaking too much of baby Reagan and the Zeid family) so on to me...
Today was my first day of my last two prereq's, Microbiology and Nutrition. So I did the student thing, bought some books, ran into a couple of friends from classes previous (yes, I've made friends) and after a long day of class and visiting the Zeid family at the hospital I was inspired to do something great (cue second round of drumroll pleeease....) I swam 80 laps at the pool!! Brett calls it 40 laps (he counts there & back as one, but I call it 80 - there, one, back, two). Let me know if you need clarification. I know, I am surprised as well, I had no idea Gina could swim like that. I guess I've just been inspired by a few HUGE events in the past couple of days, did I mention ... ANNIE AND ROMY HAD THEIR BABY GIRL!
So it started off like any other day at the pool, which of them I can count on my right hand and the other three on my left. I was in the slow lane, where apparently the snails that know how to breast stroke come to swim, and let me tell you did they come. I started out swimming with a small asian lady who liked to do her breast stroke REALLY WIDE! Then a 400 pound white guy joins the lane with us, and he too is doing a REALLY WIDE breast stoke, so I have no choice, I HAVE to switch to the medium lane, and that I do.
In the medium lane there is an beefy 6 foot Russian male who apparently enjoys doing a modified backstroke in the CENTER of the lane. I signal to share the lane, of which he does. I'm feeling good, I think I'm on lap 50 now, going strong, but this Russian guy is annoying me. He'll swim 2 laps (units of measurements being gina's not Brett's) and then he'll stop. This creeps me out because - well it just does. I'm in the zone and he's definetley measing with my mantra. I've had it, when about 8 laps later, he is swimming RIGHT ALONG SIDE ME WITH HIS KICKBOARD! Then he will speed up so his kick wake is kicking right in front of my face!!!! Then he'll stop, creeping me out once again, and resume. Thankfully, it was approaching 6 and I had to pick up Brett from work, but this Russian fellow was a piece of work.
Needless to say, I have no idea where the 80 laps came from. I just kept thinking to myself about Brett's half Iron Man and about little baby Zeid. It's amazing to think that someone hundreds of days old and someone less than two days old can inspire you, and to only think how Annie and Romy are feeling. And not to mention, my breathing was amazing, it was like I had no superglottic stenosis or whatever they say I have from that day, it was a miracle.
ANNIE AND ROMY HAD THEIR BABY GIRL! . Well, Annie had the baby, but Romy helped too.... Baby and Mom are healthy and the three of them come home tomorrow, and are VERY excited! Reagan Belle Zeid was born on 8/18/2009 at 1:08 pm. Annie looks great as usual and Romy, as Annie would put it "is a rockstar." They were up for 23 hours plus some during the long awaited arrival of baby Reagan! She is so adorable and healthy and precious, just reminds you that life is a TRUE miracle. Annie is my best best best friend and it's been so amazing -words cannot describe the feelings that I am having. But I am staarting to understand why they call childbirth a miracle and children a gift from God.
Now back to me :) I'm not being selfish, I've already been pinned "Crazy Aunt Gina" so I am going to try to refrain from speaking too much of baby Reagan and the Zeid family) so on to me...
Today was my first day of my last two prereq's, Microbiology and Nutrition. So I did the student thing, bought some books, ran into a couple of friends from classes previous (yes, I've made friends) and after a long day of class and visiting the Zeid family at the hospital I was inspired to do something great (cue second round of drumroll pleeease....) I swam 80 laps at the pool!! Brett calls it 40 laps (he counts there & back as one, but I call it 80 - there, one, back, two). Let me know if you need clarification. I know, I am surprised as well, I had no idea Gina could swim like that. I guess I've just been inspired by a few HUGE events in the past couple of days, did I mention ... ANNIE AND ROMY HAD THEIR BABY GIRL!
So it started off like any other day at the pool, which of them I can count on my right hand and the other three on my left. I was in the slow lane, where apparently the snails that know how to breast stroke come to swim, and let me tell you did they come. I started out swimming with a small asian lady who liked to do her breast stroke REALLY WIDE! Then a 400 pound white guy joins the lane with us, and he too is doing a REALLY WIDE breast stoke, so I have no choice, I HAVE to switch to the medium lane, and that I do.
In the medium lane there is an beefy 6 foot Russian male who apparently enjoys doing a modified backstroke in the CENTER of the lane. I signal to share the lane, of which he does. I'm feeling good, I think I'm on lap 50 now, going strong, but this Russian guy is annoying me. He'll swim 2 laps (units of measurements being gina's not Brett's) and then he'll stop. This creeps me out because - well it just does. I'm in the zone and he's definetley measing with my mantra. I've had it, when about 8 laps later, he is swimming RIGHT ALONG SIDE ME WITH HIS KICKBOARD! Then he will speed up so his kick wake is kicking right in front of my face!!!! Then he'll stop, creeping me out once again, and resume. Thankfully, it was approaching 6 and I had to pick up Brett from work, but this Russian fellow was a piece of work.
Needless to say, I have no idea where the 80 laps came from. I just kept thinking to myself about Brett's half Iron Man and about little baby Zeid. It's amazing to think that someone hundreds of days old and someone less than two days old can inspire you, and to only think how Annie and Romy are feeling. And not to mention, my breathing was amazing, it was like I had no superglottic stenosis or whatever they say I have from that day, it was a miracle.
You are next Mrs.Cummings!! Come join the mommy club with us :). I am so happy for you and that you are enjoying school,a true calling for you! I can't believe how far you swam...thats nuts!