In my life's process, I am being to journey down a path that I have dared not go before, both literally and figuratively speaking. April 11 and July 10 will mark two days where I have dared not go before and everyday before then will mark a beginning of a new Gina. For those of you who may not know, today officially marked the beginning of my training regime to be like Brett; I am training for my first two Triathlons!
Usually when I sign up for something that includes exercise, ie a Half-Marathon, I don't train, and then I sorta brag, in a way, that I have not trained. I usually don't train because I am too afraid of committing myself to a routine, not only that, but I sorta grew up in a household where I sorta just "got by." I mean, I practiced my love of soccer, was a part of a team and excelled both collectively and individually, but did I go on to play college soccer when I probably could have - no. Sure, I got in car accident that nearly killed me, but I didn't have a choice there, I had to thrive, I HAD to pick myself back up and pick up the pieces and start a new. I wasn't going to live another 70 years with a trache - ya know? This is just different. This is different, because I get to make the choice. I get to train, make the choice to excel and move forward. There isn't some crazy lady (aka My Mom) as a distraction. I'm my own worst enemy here.
Training for a triathlon involves a lot of time with yourself. First, you have to convince yourself to move your you know what off the couch and go for a swim, ride you bike or run. Then once you finally muster up the courage to workout, if your music isn't loud enough, or even if it is, there is that little itty bitty voice in there (at least I think that is what I'm hearing) telling you you can't do it, or your too tired to go on. What is that?! Hello... clearly I can do this... why can't you be positive? - and then you suddenly realize you are talking to yourself!
Listening to your own thoughts - which some of you know could be scary when it comes to me - That's is an exercise in itself!!! This blog tonight is entitled "It's time for new shoes" because not only is it time for a new pair of running shoes (my knee is starting to hurt me), it's time for me to step into a new Gina.
Today my regime required 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes of swimming, and it was excellent. To give you an insiders perspective on personal conversations I was having with myself, well here it goes. After the "pre-game coversations" of to go or not to go, while I was actually running this evening, I ran past a street called Octavia. We're moving soon and Octavia is going to be our new cross street. From Bay Street, Octavia gets steep - real steep! I was inspired to write this blog. I think I have some challenges ahead of me, but I am excited to face them as a progressive person and not a "yeah - I'll get by" type person! I'm excited to apply this new motto of new shoes to every aspect of my life and see the benefits that are reaped! Say it with me ... "It's time for new shoes!"
After a car accident that nearly took my life in May of 2003, I decided to to follow my life passion and become a Nurse. This blog has been created in order for me to document the transisition (the trials and tribulations, the excitement and glory) between a working class girl to a going back to school girl and all the adventures in between! May it be an inspiration to all to find and or continue to strive along your own serendipitious quest...
February 24, 2010
February 15, 2010
Honestly... I feel as though I am the most blessed girl in the all of the WORLD!

Married to the man of my dreams, persuing the career of my dreams... it honestly doesn't get better than this!
It was GORGEOUS yesterday and my Valentine and I rode 40+ miles on our Road Bikes together - we did the Paradise Valley loop.. my first Bike ride ever!! Honestly, the best day of my life... well Top 5. I told Brett that if I didn't count the day we got back together, or the day we got engaged/the day we got married, any days on our various tours of the world... this was honestly the best day of my life!
We had an amazing Valentine's Day. We woke up, had bagels and coffee on Polk street with Hurley. Then rode our bikes 40+ miles, over the Golden gate, through Marin, through Paradise Valley loop and then Tiberon, then back over the Golden Gate! Pure Bliss. And my airway - totally not an issue, through the hills and going down hills 25+miles per hour... it was AH-MAZ-ING! Then we went to dinner at our fav Indian food place then saw It's Complicated!
It's been an amazing journey! School's going great!! Lots of fun and meeting great friends!
Oh, and I've signed up for Two Triathlons! April 17th, which is a "sprint tri" in it's in Marin and July 10th on Treasure Island which is Olymipic distance! Cannot wait! Cannot believe I'm going to do this either.. Nursing School or Tri's! HAHAHAHAA HA HA!
February 2, 2010
Serendipity at it's VERY BEST!
On April 1, I will be a speaker at Every 15 Minutes at Clayton Valley High School again. This is truely such a great honor, as I have now spoken there for the past 3-5 years (WOW).
Today, I went to school, met with a Tutor for my Pharm and Physio class and then met with my two new friends Lindsey and Theresa. It's amazing how much we have in common, it must be due to the face that we are all attempting the same great feat, but seriously, you know when you just click with people - you just know. They have me laughing my face off constantly.
I really do feel so serendipitous these days. It was about three years ago that I imagined my life the way it is in the here and now. I remember I was watching the Secret, wishing I could be a nurse, putting it out there, hoping that I would go to school and live in SF and now look where I am at - doing JUST that!
Theresa and I have a very long talk yesterday when we should have been studying. She endured hardship with her mom battling Luekemia. The doctors told her that her Mom had really no chance of survival, and that they could try a very risky two day surgery, but that they really should say their good-byes before she went into her surgery. She received an entire blood transfusion and a stem cell transfusion and beat the odds. It was truely remarkable, and I felt humbled by her Mom's courage in the face of adversity. She would put on viking helment with long golden pigtails and call her self "Bruce-Hilda" everytime she would go in for Chemo. A true inspiration and really speaks to the heart of your outlook on life has the power to potentially save your life.
I feel so blessed to be surrounded by people like Theresa. The entire group seems very neat. I can't tell you how exciting this is for me :)
Today, I went to school, met with a Tutor for my Pharm and Physio class and then met with my two new friends Lindsey and Theresa. It's amazing how much we have in common, it must be due to the face that we are all attempting the same great feat, but seriously, you know when you just click with people - you just know. They have me laughing my face off constantly.
I really do feel so serendipitous these days. It was about three years ago that I imagined my life the way it is in the here and now. I remember I was watching the Secret, wishing I could be a nurse, putting it out there, hoping that I would go to school and live in SF and now look where I am at - doing JUST that!
Theresa and I have a very long talk yesterday when we should have been studying. She endured hardship with her mom battling Luekemia. The doctors told her that her Mom had really no chance of survival, and that they could try a very risky two day surgery, but that they really should say their good-byes before she went into her surgery. She received an entire blood transfusion and a stem cell transfusion and beat the odds. It was truely remarkable, and I felt humbled by her Mom's courage in the face of adversity. She would put on viking helment with long golden pigtails and call her self "Bruce-Hilda" everytime she would go in for Chemo. A true inspiration and really speaks to the heart of your outlook on life has the power to potentially save your life.
I feel so blessed to be surrounded by people like Theresa. The entire group seems very neat. I can't tell you how exciting this is for me :)
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